Chapter 39

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At this time and age it should not be a surprise how words spread like wildfire during a burning hot summer day. So fast people can't even tell which are rumours and facts but do they care? Hardly, so long as they find it interesting like the sudden engagement party of the youngest son of the Chairman of the Uchiha Corporation.

Naruto did not actually disappoint Sasuke when he agreed to take the favour. Perhaps because he really want to become his daughter's godfather. And speaking of which, Sasuke found himself being asked that question.

"Sasuke-kun, how come you managed to convince Naruto to do something like that?" Sakura asked as she closed the laptop and turned to Sasuke. "I mean, not that he wouldn't do something like that for his friend, but still.." she trailed off, not really knowing what to say other than that as she watched Sasuke made his way up to her.

"He got what he wanted. He's always persistent and a simpleton. He wanted to be Sarada's godfather so I promised him he will."

"Oh," Sakura muttered but then she remember his brother. "What about Itachi-san?"

"What about him?" Sasuke asked, seemingly not interested as he sat on the couch beside her.

"Well, shouldn't he be your daughter's godfather? Since he is your older brother."

It's true enough that he's Sasuke's older brother. And it's only proper that he will be the godfather of his brother's firstborn and the same goes to Sasuke. It's not that he's completely putting him aside. But Sasuke also felt that Naruto, sometimes, was more of a brother to him than his real brother. Maybe because of their age difference or the fact that he's always being compared to him. With Naruto, nothing like that ever happened. Or if there were instances, Sasuke was always the one being praised. But it's not like Naruto hardly cares. Just as he said, he's a simpleton. But Sasuke can never be more thankful to have someone like him. But he will never say that out loud.

"You're right," Sasuke said, looking at Sakura. "Itachi should be Sarada's godfather. But I already told Naruto and just like him, I don't often go back on my words."

Then Sakura noticed that he had inch closer, or maybe it was just her imaging things. "But then again, my brother can be a godfather to my child as well."

"Oh, a second godfather," Sakura said, nodding her head as she was about to lean farther when this time she was sure Sasuke was leaning closer until he was so close she could smell the wine he had earlier.

"No," he said. "A second child."

Sakura's eyes widen and Sasuke stiffled a chuckle with a cough. She always look so cute when she does that, her eyes widening in surprise, her emerald green orbs seemingly lighting up and her rosy cheeks would redden sometimes.

"Don't act so surprise. It's not like we haven't had–"

Suddenly, a cry was heard from the baby monitor, signalling that the baby was awake and Sakura instinctively stood up as she went outside. Sasuke was left there, looking at where Sakura sat just a while ago, now an empty space and Sasuke looking into space before he averted his gaze to the nightstand where the digital clock reads 10:30 pm.

"It's too early for her to be waking up. Doesn't she want to have another sibling?" Sasuke muttered, shaking his head before he stood up, debating whether to go to bed or go to the baby's room.

He decided to do the former, since he's also a bit tired and he's getting a bit drowsy, probably from the alcohol he had earlier. Sometime after that, Sasuke felt the shuffling behind him and he rolled on the bed before he found the warmth, snaking his arms around Sakura as he snuggled close to her neck, sighing as he was lulled back to sleep with her scent that reminded Sasuke of the cherry blossoms.

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