Chapter 22

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Sasuke can't remember when was the last time his father showed him affection. For as far as he could recall, even in the deepest part of his mind, there is no such memory that exist of him being affectionate towards Sasuke.

Or perhaps there was that one time when Sasuke did something that earned his praise back when he was but a little boy. Sasuke forgot what he did, frankly, it wasn't even worth remembering, and he was too young then. So young that all he ever wanted was for his father to show him how much he love his son and for his brother to always be with him. But things never went that way for Sasuke and the praise, as far as he can remember, was as dry as an asparagus. And he doesn't even like dry asparagus.

A sigh left Sasuke's lips when he lie there awake staring at the ceiling. While on his side, he could hear a soft intake of breath. The fact that Sakura was sleeping by his side was enough proof that everything that transpired from yesterday up to now was no dream. Sasuke felt so surreal he almost thought it wasn't real. The irony of the words was enough to make him almost chuckle as he turned around and scooted closer to Sakura whose back is turned to him.

Sasuke was about to fall into slumber, the sweet scent of cherry blossom from Sakura's hair was enough to lull him into sleep and he sighed until he suddenly heard something that made him open his eyes. Propping himself up, he looked ahead to see the baby trying to roll over on her belly in the crib and she's making baby noises that Sasuke couldn't put the right word to describe it. It's incoherent to begin with.

Looking down on Sakura who is sleeping soundly, Sasuke decided to get up from the bed slowly and walked up to the crib.

"What are you doing?" He asked silently and the baby looked up at him with her otherwise big onyx eyes.

Sasuke didn't know if the way he said that statement was a bit harsh or something, but the baby suddenly started to hiccup and the side of her lips turned down as her eyes started to get teary.

She was almost about to cry when Sasuke instinctively took her and held her in his arms. "Don't cry," he muttered. "You might wake mama up."

Looking back at Sakura who is still sleeping soundly, Sasuke decided to go out of the bedroom and downstairs. "You must be hungry," he said.

But then again, Sasuke doesn't know anything about feeding a seven month old baby. So before he could walk any farther to the kitchen, he stopped and looked at the baby.

"Should we wake mama up then?" He asked and then he suddenly frown. He was talking to a baby that's not going to respond and he doubt if she can even understand him. But then again, Sasuke doesn't feel odd about it. He could talk to her for hours and he wouldn't mind doing so.

Suddenly, the baby leaned her head on his shoulder and Sasuke felt something warm passed through his chest. The feeling was so pleasant Sasuke wanted to feel it again and again. And he knew for as long as Sakura and the baby are with him, he would always feel it. Happiness, perhaps, is the best word to describe it.

"You're not hungry?" He asked, he doesn't even know why he's asking, as if the baby would respond. But then she snuggled closer to him, she felt extremely warm like a comfy duvet that Sasuke doesn't want to let go.

He walked up the stairs and back to his bedroom, Sakura was still sleeping and without making so much of a noise, Sasuke went back to the crib and placed Sarada, he was about to. But then the baby snuggled closer to him and she doesn't seem like ready to let go.

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