Chapter 51

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Days continued to pass and time subsequently flow. As the winter blurred by in a cold breeze, spring that was just right around the corner came before they knew it. The wind is not that cold anymore, it carries with it the smell of freshly burgeoned flowers as Sakura looked out the window and into the garden.

It's Sunday, the day when Sasuke is at home. Sakura didn't know when it started but before they knew it, Sunday has always been the day when they would go outside as family. The baby is also growing up, she can stand on her own now and she can also walk. Although sometimes she's wobbly and would fall, Sarada is just the type to never give up.

She would fall, and then she would stand up and take another step and then another and another. Sasuke said that side of her was from Sakura, that determination to do something and continue doing it until she achieves it.

"Where are we going?" Sakura asked the baby in her cute voice as she carries her downstairs after dressing her up. "The park!"

The baby giggled and clapped her hands before she wiggled down and Sakura placed her carefully on the floor as she stared to take a few steps until she fell. But she stood up again and took several steps but she was about to fall again, this time she was about to fall forward.

"Sarada!" Sakura said but before the baby's face could kiss the floor, Sasuke was right there to catch her and picked her up.

"There you go."

Sakura came after a moment with the baby's shoes and Sasuke turned her around so Sakura can put her shoes.

"She should learn to know when it's enough," Sakura said. "She was about to fall forward earlier. She might hurt herself."

"Who do you think she got that from?" Sasuke asked, a hint of smile from his tone but his expression hid it so well. Sakura chuckled in return as she shook her head before she took Sarada as Sasuke walk to the front door.

They got inside the car and Sasuke drove to Aoyama Park. A ten to fifteen minute drive from their residence. The Park is known for its cherry blossom trees and it's well-known to tourists, both local and foreign.

When Sakura looked out the car window as they got near the Park, she noticed the rain flower. The petals being blown by the spring breeze created such a beautiful view of the Park as children run about. The car stopped at a parking space, while Sasuke took the baby's stroller Sakura took the baby from the backseat.

She's happy to be in the Park as she giggled. "Alright, alright Sarada. We're going to take a stroll around."

Sasuke came with the stroller and Sakura placed the baby as they started to walk. The breeze felt nice and fresh. Times like this make Sakura feel a surge of happiness that's almost overwhelming to even be described with mere words. Because it cannot be described simply by mere words.

They spotted a bench and they settled there, right under a tree. The baby outstretch her hands, trying to catch the petals being blown by the wind. She was focused in catching one and Sakura decided to take a picture. Several pictures.

"I'll go buy something. What do you want?" Sasuke asked as he stood up. There are several stalls of food around and Sakura looked about until she spotted it.

"Ice cream," she said. "And cotton candies."

"Too sweet," Sasuke muttered with a frown as if he was disgusted by the mere thought of it.

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