Chapter 32

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Sakura did not think she would end up asking Naruto for such help, but now that she thought about it, she doesn't know if it's the right thing or if it's too soon. But Sakura might miss her chance if she does not do it soon and it's not like she can go back now and Naruto already left around half an hour ago.

Sakura took the baby and headed to her room where she put her in her crib, her breathing was light and calming as Sakura caress her face.

"You look so much like your papa," she said, sitting on the chair in front of the crib as she looked on the baby lovingly. "I hope you would at least take after my good traits."

The baby started to move and Sakura though she is stirring in her sleep but she heard the baby sighed before her slumber deepen.

"But you know," Sakura muttered lightly after a while. "I want you to grow up with all the love you deserve from all the people, especially from your papa's parents."

The baby sighed contentedly as she snuggled closer and Sakura suppressed her giggles when the baby smiled in her sleep, knowing that she might be having a good dream.

"So don't worry, mama got a plan," Sakura said as she lift her hand and pumped her fist, her brows knit together in a look of determination before she turned around, ready to leave.

But that expression completely changed and turned to surprise when Sakura saw Sasuke standing by the door that she didn't remember leaving open but there he was as he leaned on the doorframe. Her eyes were wide and she slowly put her hand down as she looked at Sasuke who pushed himself from the doorway and made his way towards her.

"How long were you standing there, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked as her gaze followed Sasuke who headed towards the crib and look on the baby sleeping soundly.

"Long enough to hear everything you said," Sasuke answered before he looked back at Sakura.

Sakura thought if he heard everything, then he also heard the last thing she said.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me about this plan, I won't ask." Sasuke started to walk before he stopped and turn to Sakura. "Let's go to bed."

"Why don't we go to the balcony and get some fresh air, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked. It's not like she isn't sleepy at all, but she thought they might need this kind of therapy once in a while, to just sit by the balcony and admire the beauty of the night sky.

Sasuke nodded but he didn't say anything as he headed outside. Sakura followed after a moment and went to the kitchen first as she made some hot cocoa since the weather is getting significantly colder. Sasuke was waiting outside the balcony, sitting by the chair for a few minutes when Sakura finally came with two mugs of hot cocoa.

"Sasuke-kun," Sakura said after a while of silence as she heard Sasuke hum in response. "What you said earlier, when the Chairman asked you what you would gain through marrying a girl like me, what did you really mean by that?"

It's not like Sakura has been bothered by that vague answer at all. She just happen to think about it and she wanted to start a conversation.

Sasuke was silent for a second, he really didn't give it much thought either, more like it was the first thing that came to his mind when his father asked such question. And he was kind of infuriated he would even ask something like that and Sasuke knew he's never changed after all those years.

"Something that my father can never give me," Sasuke said, repeating what he said earlier as he looked at Sakura. "You gave me happiness."

It's not as if Sakura did not expect that answer but it still took her by surprise and she felt her face heat up. The hot chocolate wasn't enough compared to his words that send warmth to her heart.

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