Chapter 21

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A/n: The picture in the media is just so adorable my kokoro can't handle this much cuteness. Author-senpai blessing this Chapter with the picture above ⟵(๑¯◡¯๑)





When Ino asked Sakura for the first time if she believes that everything happens for a reason, Sakura's answer came quick, of course, plain and simple. She does believe that everything that occured in the past is never an accident, because everything that happened then are the reasons why things are happening now and would eventually shape the future of what's about to happen. But sometimes, fate loves to mess with people and she would hide the reason behind what's occuring. Most of the people would give up, saying that the bad things that occured in their life aren't making sense to begin with. But there are some people who never gives up and believe that there will come a time when fate would decide to show them the reason that she had kept hidden all along.

And Sakura believed that what happened during that time a year and a half ago is no accident. And perhaps fate is showing her the reason behind it now.

They arrived back at Sakura's house half an hour later and as Sakura was about to open the front door, Sasuke suddenly stopped and she turned to him.

"What's the matter, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked, she realized he was still holding her hand and when she looked at it, instead of letting go Sasuke seem to hold her hand tighter.

"Nothing," he muttered, shaking his head as Sakura turned back to the door. She knew how nervous Sasuke might have been, but there's really no point in being nervous. It's not like the baby is going to reject him at first sight.

When Sakura opened the front door and stepped inside the hallway, she thought she heard Sasuke gulp but it could have just been her imagination.

"Mom, we're home!" Sakura said, a bit louder and she was about to walk forward when Sasuke stopped her again.

"Wait, your mother is here?" Sasuke asked and as if on cue Sakura's mother came from the corner.

"Ah Sakura!" She said. "I thought you're coming home early for dinner but we already ate an hour ago. Should I reheat the food?"

"It's okay mom, I already had dinner," Sakura said and her mom noticed Sasuke standing behind Sakura.

"Ah, you brought a gentleman home!" She said, seemingly enthusiastic for someone whose daughter just brought home a man. And when she realized who it was, Mebuki beamed as she walked up to them.

"Ah, Sasuke! You know my daughter?" She said, surprise yet extremely happy to see Sasuke again.

Sakura on the other hand, flinched at the fact that she doesn't know how to introduce Sasuke to her mom. Is he her boss, boyfriend, baby daddy?

"Mom, he's my– my Bo– Boy– I uh, yeah he's my Bos–"

"I'm Uchiha Sasuke,"

Sasuke suddenly cut Sakura off, surprising her even more when he suddenly bowed in front of her mother before he straightened up.

"I'm your granddaughter's father. It's good to see you again, Mebuki-san," Sasuke paused. "Or should I address you as mo–"

Suddenly they heard a thud and Sakura's eyes widen when her mother fainted from what is obviously a shock from hearing the sudden news and Sakura rushed to her.

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