Chapter 27

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A week off from work feels like a whole month to Sakura as she almost forgot that today is actually Monday, meaning, she needed to go to work. She has almost forgotten that she refused Sasuke's offer to quit working as his Secretary, not that she doesn't like staying with the baby, but Sakura just isn't the type of woman to stay in the house and do chores all day like a normal housewife. She was raise to become independent after all, and Sasuke knew that much. But he also knew, that sooner or later, she might change her mind.

After all, finding another Secretary doesn't sit well with Sasuke, he rather work alone than with someone else who isn't her.

"Mom you already know what to do right? Feed her when she wakes up, and then place her to her bassinet, if she cry you can give her to–"

"Alright alright, I know Sakura," Mebuki said, gently pushing Sakura towards the hallway as she waved her hand.

As Sakura walked towards the lift, she stopped for a second to take a deep breath before straightening her skirt. Somehow she feels like it's her first day as a Secretary all over again when she's already working as Sasuke's Secretary for more than a month now.

And speaking of whom, just as Sakura started skimming the content of Sasuke's schedule for the week, Sasuke walked down the stairs with his coat in hand as Sakura looked up.

"Your mother's already here?" He asked and Sakura nodded as the door of the elevator opened and they stepped in.

Sakura couldn't help but notice the tie around his collar was undone again and she turned to him. "Sasuke-kun," she called and Sasuke turn to her.

She started doing his tie, like she always did before. But Sasuke knew this time was different, because as she was doing his tie, Sasuke was able to put his hand on her hair, brushing the loose strands before putting them behind her ear and Sakura felt her face started to heat up.

"Sasuke-kun, tell me, you can't do your ties can you?" Sakura asked, chuckling but it sounded forced as she try not look so flustered so she decided to ask Sasuke that question.

She thought he would be offended. A man who can't do his tie is like a woman who can't hook her bra. But instead of throwing a remark, Sasuke just shook his head.

"You thought I don't know how to do my tie?" He asked, undoing the tie and Sakura's eyes widen a bit as she watched him do his tie again perfectly.

"I was leaving it undone purposely for you to do it for me," he said, the side of his lips turning up in a smirk before he walked past Sakura as the lift opened.

And Sakura's attempt to fluster Sasuke with that question backfired to her as she felt her face heat up and her cheeks coated in a light shade of pink that is definitely not a work of cosmetics.

They arrived at the Company a few minutes later and as they walked to the lobby Sakura felt like this time is something significantly different from the last. For one, Sakura knew she isn't walking with just her boss and she wasn't just his Secretary. Being just simply his Secretary was what people around them see. But Sakura knew that this time, she does feel like she isn't just his Secretary.

"Miss Haruno what's my schedule for today?" Sasuke suddenly asked, cutting Sakura's thoughts as she looked up at him.

"Miss Haru–" she trailed off as she cleared her throat. "Yes sir, your schedule for today is checking some documents from the HR. Afterwards you are expected to turn in a report to the President via email. Sir."

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