Chapter 33

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Sakura has never been so unsure of her decisions before. But it's not like she can go back now. She already asked for Naruto's help. She asked him the week before, right when they returned from the family dinner, Sakura asked Naruto if he could get Sasuke's parents to come over the penthouse and at the same time have Sasuke leave the penthouse for a while until she could get to talk to them.

Alone, on her own. She's going to talk to them on her own, with only the baby by her side and it's not like the baby is old enough to understand anything. Sakura took a deep breath, eyes fixed on the hallway where the lift is located.

"Okay, Sakura, you made your decision," she told herself. "You can do it."

Suddenly the ding of the lift could be heard and Sakura involuntarily flinched. She straightened her clothes and hair before she composed herself, straightened her posture as she walked up the hallway where she saw Sasuke's parents.

They stopped there as Sakura stared at them for at least five seconds, silence falling down like a heavy curtain before Sakura bowed in greeting.

"Good morn– aftern– good day," she said, not really sure if it's morning or midday as she straightened up and cleared her throat.

She looked at Mikoto first, her expression seem relax and Sakura was relieved. Then her eyes traveled to her husband, he seem stern and strict and Sakura tried to decipher his expression.

Then Fugaku cleared his throat.

"Are we just going to stand here? We don't have all day," he said and Sakura shook her head once as she stepped to the side.

"Yes, uh, come in?" She said, not really sure if she should say it since this wasn't her home to begin with.

It's their son's home and Sakura felt awkward. They started to walk to the living room and Sakura followed, waiting for them to sit on the couch before she excused herself.

The baby was crawling in her little playground before she spotted Sakura and crawled towards her. Sakura picked her up before smiling at the baby.

"Alright Sarada, let's go meet grandma and grandpa," Sakura said and the baby just stared at her, eyes unblinking before Sakura walked out of the room.

Sasuke's parents were sitting by the couch when Sakura walked up to them, the baby in her arms. Sakura first noticed Mikoto's reaction. Her relaxed expression turned to surprise as her eyes widen and looked at the baby.

"Is she.." Mikoto trailed off. "Is she our grandchild?"

Sakura could not help but bit her lower lip before she inclined her head.

"I'm sorry for having a baby after College. I know Sasuke-kun and I were still young to be parents and we needed to be responsible for what we did."

Sakura closed her eyes tightly before she held the baby forward, her head still down as the baby looked at the two in front with her big eyes that seem to hold their reflection as she sucked on her fingers lightly.

"You don't have to accept me but please accept her as your grandchild. She is still Sasuke-kun's daughter."

"Sakura," Mikoto's voice was soft and urged her to look up slightly.

It was then she saw how Fugaku's stern expression seem to slowly melt like an ice being thawed. It wasn't that noticeable at first, but as Sakura stare longer, she notice his eyes seem to soften before he cleared his throat and averted his eyes.

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