Chapter 17

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Sakura stirred in her sleep. She felt the soft duvet warming her body as she grunted and roll on her side. Slowly opening her eyes, the first thing she noticed was the lampshade on the night stand, she doesn't recognize it. In fact when she looked around, she doesn't recognize anything, the gray walls and curtain, the furniture and couch where someone was sitting on and Sakura quickly sat up as she gasped in surprise.

"Are you awake?" Sasuke asked, looking at Sakura while he propped his chin on his knuckle.

"Where am I? I was sleeping on the couch earlier and– wait! What time is it?!"

Sasuke noticed how she suddenly became frantic and he sighed before he stood up. "Calm down, it's still early."

His eyes traveled to the digital clock on the side where it read nine pm and Sakura visibly relaxed. She should have gone home earlier but then she fell asleep on the couch. Sakura suddenly perked up as she stood.

"Sasuke-kun did you.." she trailed off, averting her eyes as her cheeks suddenly became tinted with light pink. "..carry me here?"

"It looked like you're uncomfortable sleeping on the couch," he said but he didn't answer her question directly. His fever just broke and he carried her here? Sakura felt her face heat up in embarrassment, although she wanted to reprimand him for that, she decided not to press the matter as she followed him out of the room.

Sasuke watched as she took her things and walked towards the elevator as he followed. But before she could press the lift, Sakura turned back around and did something that took Sasuke by utter surprise.

She stride towards him and then pressed her palm on his forehead, leaning way too close to him and Sasuke had to hold himself back or he might do something that he knew she wouldn't like.

She doesn't seem fluster when she did that as she leaned out. "Make sure to drink your medicine before going to bed. I left the Energizer in the fridge, you should drink it too."

Sasuke hid the littlest upturn of his lips as he turned his head away and nodded.

"Are you sure you can drive back home?" He asked, looking back at her.

"Of course," Sakura said as she quickly turned around and pressed the button. But it seems Sasuke isn't going to push her not to drive on her own as he remained silent after that.

When the lift opened, Sakura stepped inside the elevator and turned to Sasuke and just before the door of the lift closed, Sakura spoke, making Sasuke looked up at her.

"Good night, Sasuke-kun!" She said before the door completely closed and Sasuke was left again, alone standing there in the hallway.

After a few seconds, Sasuke lifted his hand and touched his forehead. For some reason he could still feel her touch on his skin and Sasuke didn't bother hiding the smile this time.

The next morning Sasuke was no longer feeling anything, his muscles don't ache nor his head feel like it's pounding. He's completely better now and back to his normal self as he waited for Sakura outside the building.

When he saw the familiar car stopped in front of him, Sasuke stepped inside and he was greeted by Sakura. It's become a routine for them to do that and there would be silence after that as Sakura drove to the Company.

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