Chapter 24

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The whole week, Sasuke's penthouse had been noisy. He doesn't like it. People coming and going as they please. But it's not like he can do anything about it since they are here to remodel the guestroom which will be the baby's bedroom. And soon enough, a whole week had pass.

Sakura was the first one to walk inside the room. And as she stepped in, she couldn't believe how this room a week ago looked so different than the one in front of her now. The dark curtains were changed into light ones, the walls that used to be grey and white are now covered in pastel colors and wallpapers. In exchange of the bed, there was a smaller one that is suitable for a toddler, not that the baby will be needing it for now. Her crib is also there and another bassinet and half of the room was made into a playroom. It looks like a nursery made for dozens of toddlers but then it's just a baby's room.

As Sakura stood there for a while, she suddenly heard Sasuke walking up to her, and in his arms he is carrying Sarada.

"I think she did a great job transforming this room, don't you think so, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked, looking at Sasuke to see his reaction, well, he doesn't have one. At least not the one that allow Sakura to assume he likes the room.

"It's decent at least," he said before he shrug his shoulders and bend down, the floor is also covered in carpet which is nice, Sasuke thought.

Sakura also sat across Sasuke as the baby tried to wiggle her way out of Sasuke's arms and started to crawl towards Sakura. It's like a baby's instinct after all, that when they see their mothers they would instinctively go to them. Besides, they spent nine months in their mother's womb, listening to their mother's voice. Sasuke felt a slight pang of guilt, he hope he had been there with her. But it's not like he knew about it from the start.

As the baby tried her best to crawl towards Sakura without falling face first on the carpet, Sakura decided to scoot closer so the baby would not have a hard time crawling towards her. But the baby seem to frown and it's like she doesn't like how Sakura scooted closer. She has a look of determination on her face and her cheek was puffed as Sakura held her giggles and after a while, she was finally able to crawl to Sakura.

Taking the baby to stand on her lap, Sakura held her facing Sasuke as the baby seem to tilt her head in an attempt to study the man in front. With her big eyes, she blinked a few times before realization finally kicked in and it registered to her brain that the man sitting in front is Sasuke and she outstretched her little arms, making baby noises as she open and close her little hands.

"Do you wanna go to papa?" Sakura asked, and the way she seem to say papa when conversing to the baby made Sasuke feel something warm in his chest.

The baby made noises again, as if she's trying to imitate Sakura when she says papa but the words don't seem to make sense. Sasuke scooted closer, lifting his hand up to the baby as she suddenly took it, gripping his pointer finger with her small hands and Sasuke just simply watched her, waiting for what she's going to do next.

What she did next, however, wasn't exactly what Sasuke is expecting. The baby leaned in and put his pointer finger in her mouth. Sasuke was so suprise he immediately retrieved his hand back and the baby seem to be taken aback before she started to hiccup and small sobs escape her mouth.

"Sarada must be hungry," Sakura said, taking the baby as she leaned in on her shoulder and snuggled her face, Sakura patting her back.

"Alright, let's prepare the milk," Sakura said before she stood up and walked out of the room.

While Sasuke was left there alone, blinking his eyes a few times before he lifted his hand and looked at it. The feeling when the baby gripped his finger, Sasuke felt something warm stir in his chest again.

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