Chapter 16

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Sasuke woke up to an immense headache, and his temple was pounding as he grunted, rolling around only to realize he was on the couch and almost fall on the floor as he sat up slowly. His body felt extremely heavy, not to mention he feels like he's burning. Sasuke looked out the glass window and saw that it's already morning, taking out his phone to see the it's already half past eight.

Sasuke's frown was evident on his forehead, first he thought he was late. Second, he thought why Sakura didn't wake him up, since she should have been here an hour ago. And then Sasuke's third thought, he realized that today is in fact, Sunday so he wouldn't have to go to the Company. Standing up, Sasuke wobbled and almost tripped on the coffee table when he felt the surroundings spin, but fortunately he held himself up and took a deep breath. Sleeping on the couch wasn't exactly the most pleasant experience since he felt his whole body stiff and his neck hurts. Actually, every muscles in his body hurt and Sasuke bit back a curse as he went upstairs. Taking off his shirt, he headed to the adjacent bathroom.

Sasuke turned the shower on, the water gliding down his body as he sighed and put his hands on the wall, inclining his head as he let the sound of the shower drown his thoughts.

"How troublesome," he muttered as he closed his eyes and looked up, the water falling down his face as he brushed his hair back. "Tsk. This is troublesome."

He knew something's wrong when the first thing he felt when he woke up was the pounding of his head. It's been a while since he last caught a cold, he doesn't even remember when was the last time he was bedridden. He hates being sick. His father doesn't like it when he was sick, once Sasuke was left alone at home because he was sick and it was raining, with constant thunder and lightning, Sasuke really couldn't do anything because his parents and brother weren't home, so he slept away his fear and the burning feeling all over his body.

After taking a shower, Sasuke went downstairs to get something to drink. His throat felt scorch, he doesn't know where the medicines are so he searched the cupboard only to see the boxes of ramen and Sasuke slammed the cupboard as he cursed.

"Where the heck are the medicine?" He muttered as he opened the fridge to take a bottle of cold water.

He gave up looking for them when he felt a sudden headache and he headed to the living room as he sat on the couch. The shower didn't help at all and he still felt horrible as he took his temperature.

"38? Are you kidding me?" He muttered as he threw the thermometer on the couch and leaned his head on the headrest, putting his arm on his forehead as he closed his eyes.

Maybe he could sleep it off like he did all those time when he had a fever.

At least that's what he thought. But after an hour, Sasuke woke up again. His stomach was growling and he felt hungry, but his body's too heavy he couldn't even stand as he rolled on the couch. He sat up and took his phone, dialling the number of the first person that came to his mind.


Sakura had just finish putting her baby for her nap when her phone started ringing and when she saw who was calling, her eyebrows were knitted in confusion.

"Si–Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked, standing up as she walked over to the sofa.

"Sakura? Are you busy?" He asked and Sakura's frown only deepens when she heard how his voice sounded. He sounded like he just woke up but it's already almost noon.

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