Chapter 14

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The following day after that, Sakura made sure to wake up extra early and get ready. But fortunately Sasuke told her not to come as early as yesterday so she had more time to tend on Sarada and eat breakfast as well. But as she sat at the back of the taxi, Sakura bit her lower lip nervously as the traffic got heavier by the passing minute.

She looked down on her wristwatch and realized that it's already ten past seven, considering that it would take another five minutes to get to the condominium, Sakura still knew she's late.

When Sakura saw the building of the condominium nearby, she decided to walk from here since the traffic shows no sign of moving.

"Are you sure miss?" The driver asked. "You're taking a walk down the sidewalk towards that building wearing that pointy heels, your feet's gonna get calloused."

"It's fine, I'm running late. Thanks for your concern mister," Sakura said, handing the driver money before she get off the car and crossed the street.

Half running and half walking through the busy sidewalk, Sakura was out of breathe once she got near the building. Catching her breath as she stopped for a second, she didn't notice Sasuke was already standing outside his car until her eyes caught the dark blue Chevy.

"I'm really sorry, sir," Sakura said, panting lightly as she gulped before straightening up.

"Get in the car." Sasuke pushed himself off the car, as he was leaning on quite languidly earlier while waiting for Sakura, and opened the door to the driver seat as Sakura followed suit.

As the car sped up the street of Tokyo, Sakura had a few seconds to breathe before Sasuke suddenly spoke.

"Where do you live?" He asked, surprising Sakura as she turned to him.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked for confirmation because she was too surprise when he suddenly asked that.

"How far is your house to the condominium?" Sasuke rephrased his question because judging by the way she asked him, it seems like she wasn't going to tell him her exact address. Not that it's not easy for Sasuke to know where she lives.

"Well it would take me about ten to fifteen minute taxi drive to get here. But the traffic was really heavy earlier and we were stuck for more than five minutes, I'm really sorry."

What happened to her and her strong suit of always being on time? Sakura felt embarrassed that she was late again but it doesn't seem like Sasuke was annoyed that much as he stare ahead.

"Can you drive?" He asked after a few moments of silence and Sakura blinked rapidly a few times before she answered.

"Yes?" She said, sounding like she's not sure herself but then composing herself as she cleared her throat. "Yes, I can drive."

Sasuke simply nodded, leaving Sakura confused as to why he suddenly asked that question but shrugging it off almost instantly when they got near the company. After parking the car, they both entered the building and unlike yesterday, the employees don't seem to whisper among themselves as they saw the two. Sakura think that it must have been just the surprise of seeing the second son of the Chairman walking in the Company after a year of being in Canada that spur the gossip. But now, everyone seem like they're minding their own business.

As the two proceeded to the elevator, Sakura pushed the button and the door the of lift opened after a moment. Just as the two settled inside and the door was about to close, an arm suddenly stopped the elevator door and it opened again as the person stepped in and pushed a floor.

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