Chapter 5

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On the first week of January, Sasuke took a flight to Canada. His father had given him a proposition that he would call off the engagement with the Uzumaki girl in exchange of Sasuke overseeing and supervising a company situated in Ottawa. The company which had already been on the brink of falling into the gutter.

Ever since Christmas Eve, Sasuke hasn't heard anything from the Uzumaki girl, either she's too busy with events in Paris or she just simply doesn't care. But the latter can hardly sound believable.

Sasuke had arrive in Ottawa and was given a day to rest after a long flight. This will not be his first time doing work in a corporate environment, he used to accompany his elder brother when Sasuke was in middle school and he pretty much watched his brother intently while doing his work. While it may be Sasuke's first time doing it on his own, he's confident he can do it without fail.

With a heavy sigh, Sasuke dropped on the bed, putting his arm atop his forehead.

"It's too quiet," he muttered. It's only been a day and a half without the loudmouthed Naruto and Sasuke could feel the enormous difference when Naruto is here and when he's not.

"Tsk, as if I care," Sasuke muttered again, rolling on the bed as he closed his eyes. His exhaustion overwhelmed him to the point that upon closing his eyes, he immediately succumb to slumber.

The first month, throughout January, everything has been hectic. Sasuke could hardly take a break from all the workload. And he hardly had any sleep. But he knew this is nothing compared to his brother's experience from years of working at their father's corporation.

By the start of March, Sasuke felt like he's halfway through this compromise. He may be too busy yet Sasuke has started to think that Naruto hasn't contacted him. Sasuke's afraid his friend might suddenly burst from the door one day surprising the shit out of him.

He was having a peaceful lunch break when Sasuke heard his phone ring, indicating a video call. And when he looked at the id, Sasuke realized he might have spoken too soon.

He contemplated whether to answer it or just let his phone ring until he gives up. But this was Naruto he's talking about, Sasuke knew he'd never give up.

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked, holding his phone in front as he glared at Naruto. His peaceful mid-afternoon slowly shattering.

"Hey Sasuke! How's the working life there in Canada? Having fun eh?" Naruto said, his voice a little louder than necessary.

"Why do you have to be so loud?" Sasuke asked, shaking his head when he saw where Naruto is at. Judging by the muffled music in the background and the lazer lights behind, he's at a club somewhere in Tokyo.

"I am having fun! Sucks to be you!" Naruto yelled, raising a glass of what looks like a whiskey and showing it to Sasuke who in turn just rolled his eyes.

"If you have nothing else to say, I'm ending this call," Sasuke said and was about to hang up when Naruto stopped him.

"Wait, Sasuke-teme! We haven't talked for three months cause Uncle said not to bother you while you're working! I really miss you!"

"Hey, who's that handsome guy on the phone?" One of the girls suddenly said, peeking from Naruto's side to look as Sasuke sighed and shook his head.

Fortunately Naruto stood up and went out the balcony where there are fewer people.

"So, how's work going?" He asked.

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