Chapter 18

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Although Sakura was glad she got to be dismiss early, she couldn't help but notice how Sasuke looked as though he doesn't want to go to the family dinner. But it's not like he said anything against it. After saying he'll come, he didn't say anything else about it and Sakura would be lying if she said she isn't concern. But she wasn't able to ask him anything when he dismissed her earlier.

At least Sakura gets to spend more time with Sarada and she knew she hasn't been spending much time with the baby because of her job as a Secretary. So Sakura decided to stop by a pastry shop, the bell atop the door ringing when she entered and the woman behind the counter smiled at her.

"Welcome to our pastry shop," she said with a smile as Sakura returned her courtesy by inclining her head slightly with a smile before she walked towards where the cakes and cupcakes are displayed.

Today, after all, marks half a year of Sarada's birth so Sakura decided to get a cake adorned with strawberry and chocolate strips.

"Would you like to get a dedication card ma'am?"

"Yes please," Sakura said as she looked at the cards in front. "The birthday card."

The woman smiled as she taped the card outside the box and handed it to Sakura. After paying for the box of sweet, Sakura left the pastry shop and get in her car. The rush hour was starting to overwhelm the street of Tokyo as the sun was setting behind the tall buildings of Central Tokyo. As Sakura drive to her house, she couldn't help but recall things. At some point she thought of inviting Sasuke over tonight because it's Sarada's six month celebration. But since a lot has happened and she was busy, the thought had been completely lost in her mind, even when Mikoto called earlier it didn't cross Sakura's mind.

"It's fine," Sakura muttered. "I can just invite him over some other time."

Unconsciously, her hands gripped the steering wheel and her knuckles whitened. The more she thought about it, she doesn't want the baby to grow up without a father. But Sakura knew telling him wouldn't be easy, it's not like she could just blurt it out of the blue.

Shaking her head, Sakura parked her car outside her house, the neighborhood where she lives had always been quiet and peaceful, although it's still in the City, it's not like it's crowded and noisy like Central Tokyo.

When she walked up the porch, Sakura frowned when she noticed the lights weren't on. Maybe Moriuchi-san forgot to turn on the lights again, she did forget it once.

Sakura turned the knob and opened the door, stepping in the hallway as she took off her coat and her shoes before stepping in as she walked towards the living room and turned the lights on.

What Sakura saw, however, took her by surprise that the box of cake she was holding almost fell as she look at the woman sitting comfortably on the couch.


There her mom was, sitting on the couch with Sarada and Sakura's eyes were still wide in surprise.

"When did you get back? Why didn't you tell me you're going back today, I could've drive to the airport." Sakura bombarded her mom with questions as Sarada clapped her small hands when she saw her mom and lifted her arms towards Sakura as Mebuki handed the baby to her.

"I came back a while ago and I know you're busy with your work so I decided to take a cab instead. Don't worry about it," she said, waving her hand as she laughed.

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