Chapter 8

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When he asked her to tell him about herself, Sakura was silent for a few seconds. She was surprise to see the same guy she bumped into earlier now doing an interview, not to mention, he said something about his auntie earlier that made the interviewer not question him any further as he left. Now Sakura sat in front of him, repeating his question in her head as Sakura cleared her throat silently and composed herself.

"My name is Haruno Sakura," she started, of course she should introduce herself first and Sakura somewhat feel more comfortable with him interviewing her than the other guy earlier.

"I graduated at Tohoku University last year with a Major in Banking and Finance. I–"

Sakura briefly stopped when she saw Naruto lift his hand. "All those things are written on your application form I don't need to know them."

Sakura was a bit taken aback when he said that as Naruto leaned forward, propping his elbows on the desk as he put his chin on the back of his hands.

"What I want to know are the things you like, you dislike, your hobbies and your favorite things."

Sakura frowned as she blinked in confusion. "Why would you want to know that?"

Sakura doesn't know if he's taking this seriously or not, judging by that odd question that you wouldn't normally come across with during a job interview. At this rate, it's like he wanted her to fill a slam book rather than answer a job interview. Sakura was sure this is a corporate world she's stepping into, not high school musical.

"Because," Naruto started as he leaned on the swivel chair. "I need to know whether you're compatible with that guy."

"I'm sorry, what?" Sakura asked, she's starting to get convince he was not taking this seriously. And Sakura was sure she heard something about a guy and being compatible with him, what's up with that?

"I mean the guy you were going to work for, your Boss. He's really not the most fun-loving guy you'll meet and he easily gets annoyed about the smallest thing like a girl on her period."

Sakura couldn't prevent the loud gasp that came out of her as she put her hand to cover her mouth, a bit dramatically but she couldn't help it. Not when this guy just flat-out bad-mouthed someone who clearly has a higher position than him.

But he doesn't seem faze at all as he continued talking. "So it'll be safe if someone who's going to be his Secretary has more things in common with him than not. But that might be hard. That being said, let's proceed."

Sakura stayed silent, still in a state of mild shock as she stare at Naruto, her mouth agape.

"What?" Naruto asked as if he wasn't aware of the things he just blab about the Boss.

"Isn't he your Boss too? How can you say that thing about him?" Sakura asked. She was going about to compose herself again when she saw Naruto shrugged his shoulders in the most nonchalant way like he clearly couldn't care less.

"Well, not really. I mean I started working here because I had nothing else to do," he said as if that's the most normal thing to say. "But there's Uncle threatening me to start being responsible," he muttered.

"But enough of that. Come on, let's talk about yourself."

Sakura was still surprise but she managed to compose herself. It's not like she has a choice but to start talking things about herself. Sakura cleared her throat again and straightened up.

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