Chapter 49

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Snow don't usually fall in early December in Tokyo. More often than not it would fall later than that. And it wasn't really surprising to see the first snowfall in Tokyo through the balcony of a penthouse, a perfect view. That night, the first snowfall. Million tiny white flakes falling from the heavens.

Sakura wasn't drunk this time. Come to think of it, she was always tipsy when they're doing this. The first time she was drunk during the the Graduation Party, the second time she was tipsy. But now she wasn't drunk, not even a small amount of liquor went to her system and yet, oddly enough she felt hot. Her whole body felt warm, it wasn't like it's burning, there's a different kind of warmth.

A warmth akin to home.

It feels like forever had gone by, the digital clock by the night stand changing numbers as it read 5:40 am. Sakura stirred in her sleep, feeling the light intake of breath coming from someone behind her and his strong arms wrapping gently around her waist. Sakura slowly turned around to face Sasuke.

He looks peaceful when he sleeps. He doesn't have his usual scowl, his forehead wasn't in a frown and he wasn't glaring as if he's constantly annoyed by everything. Sakura snickered at the thought, her silent laughter cause Sasuke to make a small movement and Sakura thought he's awake.

She lifted her hand slowly, using her pointer finger she lightly tap his nose.

"A-na-ta," she said, three taps on his nose as she muttered each syllables. But Sasuke didn't so much as flinch nor his eyes unconsciously twitch unlike Sakura expected. "Is he still asleep then?"

Sakura furrowed her brows before she tapped his nose again. "Sasuke-kun? A-na-ta?"

When she didn't earn any sign that Sasuke is awake, Sakura decided to do something. She was about to take his arm from her waist when Sasuke suddenly moved, surprising her. Sakura thought she woke him up but Sasuke just turned and lie comfortably on his back. When Sakura was sure he wasn't awake, she release the breath she was holding and sat up.

She put her arm on the side, supporting her up while Sakura used her other hand to do that silly thing she just thought of doing because she wouldn't get any other chance than this one time since Sasuke usually wakes up earlier. Sakura chuckled evilly but she bit her lower lip to prevent herself from laughing so loud.

She was about to pry his eyelids open.

When all of a sudden, even before she can touch his face, Sasuke suddenly held her wrist before opening his eyes as he looked at Sakura. Her initial surprise was evident that she wasn't able to comprehend what happened until her back hit the bed softly and Sasuke changed their position. Now he's atop her, holding her wrist and his eyebrow raise in question.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke asked, but judging by the looks of it he knew what Sakura was doing earlier and he was fighting the urge to smile, though his smile often looks as though he's smirking.

"Y-You were awake, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked, laughing a little forcefully as she averted her gaze. Not only was he so close to him early in the morning, Sasuke isn't even wearing any top and Sakura had to avert her gaze or her eyes might betray her.

"I am now," Sasuke said. "I can hear your little chuckle earlier. You were about to do something silly, weren't you?"

"W-What? No way!" Sakura tried to take her hand back and sit up but Sasuke wouldn't budge. "Ah, what time is it? Sasuke-kun, shouldn't we go back? Sarada might be missing us now."

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