Chapter 9

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After Sakura received her first etiquette training, which wasn't much as today is just the first day, Sakura got back home earlier than usual. Moriuchi-san, who has become Sarada's full-time babysitter because she insisted as she said she doesn't really have anything else to do so why not look after the baby while Sakura's mother still hasn't returned. The middle aged woman had already prepared lunch when Sakura came back and Sakura was beyond thankful for so much that she invited her to eat dinner as well.

After taking the meat pie dessert Sakura made, Moriuchi-san left to her house next door. Taking a look at Sarada who is having her nap in the crib, Sakura turned on the camera as she took a tablet that was connected to the camera and put it beside the bathtub. Just in case the baby wakes up, Sakura would know.

As she stepped on the tub filled with lukewarm water, Sakura sighed contentedly. She started to recall the things that occur earlier in the day. She remembered being awestruck with the woman who introduced herself as the one who will be teaching Sakura her etiquette lessons.

"Mikoto-san," Sakura muttered as she lie her head on the top of the tub. She couldn't help but admire how the woman seem to carry herself with both class and confidence that it was so hard to tell her age, not that it wasn't rude enough to ask the woman herself.

"Uchiha Mikoto," Sakura muttered again. "Uchiha Mikoto?"

A frowned slowly made its way to Sakura as she blinked her eyes open.

"Wait, I've heard that name before," she said as she stare at the bathroom ceiling.

And as if a light bulb suddenly lit up atop her head, Sakura quickly sat up, splashing water everywhere as she gasped loudly. She was actually too shock that she got the job that she has forgotten who the woman was even though she introduced herself in front of her. Only when Sakura finally get to relax her body and mind did she finally clear her thoughts and realize who the woman really is.

"She's the wife of the Chairman of Uchiha Corporation. The Uchiha Mikoto?!" Sakura said as she put her hands on her mouth.

"I can't believe she will be teaching me etiquitte lessons, when I don't even deserve her as my teacher."

Sakura took a deep breath, slowly calming her nerves as she slowly lie down again but quickly sat up when she remembered something.

"Wait! She said something about her son's new Secretary. That means I will be her son's new Secretary. But which one–" Sakura was cut off momentarily when she heard the baby cry, the screen displaying that Sarada is already awake as Sakura almost flinched in surprise.

Shaking her head, Sakura stood up and wore her robe. She has no time to dig that one out as she has more important priority at hand, taking care of Sarada. For now, Sakura would not think about any possibilities and instead focus on her etiquette training because she couldn't afford to waste the Chairman's wife's time by having her teach a single lesson multiple times. Not that she's a slow-learner. Sakura has always been a fast-learner and she's proven herself that ever since grade school.

The next day after that, Sakura arrived at the Company with five minutes to spare again. But even though she arrived extra early, when Sakura walked inside the lounge, she saw Mikoto already sitting on the couch with a glass of coffee in hand.

"Good morning Sakura," she said as Sakura bowed in front of her.

"Good morning, Mikoto-san"

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