Chapter 36

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Sasuke never like attending social events, especially the ones that were held by people he doesn't like, considering he never did like a lot of people in this business world. He would rather be in an after party back in College, held by Student Organizations, where he knew there would be no eyes staring at him, waiting to make the littlest of mistake so they would have something against the son of Chairman Uchiha Fugaku. But Sasuke had been careful the whole night, not letting any of the vultures spot his weakness, was what he would like to put it in a metaphorical way. But even then, what's the difference.

"And my father praised me for dealing with such an investor in China," the guy, Sasuke has forgotten the name of, continued as he talked about how he was able to deal with an investment in China which Sasuke really don't give a single damn about.

He looked around when he realized Sakura was gone but before he could walk over to where he saw her, standing by the corner where the food and drinks are, Sasuke was cut off when someone stopped in front of him.

"Ah if it isn't Uchiha Fugaku's son," the man said, his hair longer and fell down his back, a proof of aristocracy back in the days and even now old household still holds such tradition. The longer the hair of a person the more power they hold in a household.

And amongst all the old households in Tokyo and Kyoto, this particular family holds one of the highest and most strict tradition.

"Hyuga Hiashi..-san," Sasuke said, almost forgetting to put honorifics to a man who hold such honor in himself.

"I see you are by yourself. I believe your parents did not attend the event, no?"

"Yes, they are quite busy attending to some things outside the country."

Hiashi nodded is head before he looked around and Sasuke noticed someone behind him. A girl standing so demurely she could almost pass unnoticeable. She also kept her head inclined, her long hair obscuring her view of the surrounding as if she's scared to be seen. Sasuke remember the girl back in middle school but he doesn't pay much attention to her. But he was aware of one thing.

The girl who kept her head down, seem to be looking for someone.

Sasuke knew she's been looking for Naruto. He can be dense at times but Naruto is just on another level. The girl had shown quite an interest in him yet he doesn't have the slightest of idea, Sasuke even doubt if he remember her name. But he really couldn't blame Naruto. Not that the girl doesn't talk much, she just stare from afar, hiding behind her cousin who was always with them back when they were still studying.

Sasuke's train of thoughts were momentarily cut off when Hiashi's voice came and Sasuke looked at him.

"Why don't you and my daughter dance?"

"What?" The girl's voice, although low and quiet, could still be heard slightly.

"Father, I don't think Sasuke-kun would like to..." She trailed off when she saw her father's narrowed eyes.

Sasuke had seen that same look given to him by his father far too many times. A look of disappoinment and disapproval. He also knew that this girl is on the same boat as him, although not quite but still, they sometimes experience the same thing. When both of them have a sibling whose talent overshadowed theirs. In the girl's case, she was the first born and the heir of their household, but because of her meek personality, her younger sister was named heir instead of her. And her hair was cut short as proof of her being unable to take over the household as heir when she was young.

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