Chapter 13

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The ride towards Central Tokyo took less than five minutes and Sasuke's car practically sped up through the street, though still maintaining the speed limit. After parking his car, Sakura followed him inside the Company. The moment they entered the building, Sakura felt eyes on her, actually on both of them as the employees stared at them and started to whisper.

"Is that the youngest son of the Chairman?"

"Woah, he's handsome."

"He's so young and yet he already became the Assistant Vice President. Can you believe he only graduated College like a year ago? He hasn't even started his master's degree."

"And who's that woman with him? Wasn't she the one who is always with the Madame?"

"Must be his Secretary. And she looks young too."

Sakura couldn't help but look at her appearance as she straightened her dress and hair, suddenly realizing that her ponytail wasn't exactly the best and most presentable ponytail and she immediately felt her face reddened.

Until she heard Sasuke spoke.

"Ignore them and don't lag behind," he said as Sakura redo her ponytail before she caught up with him as they stopped in front of the elevator.

Sakura pushed the button and after a few seconds, the door opened. There were about five people inside the lift and when they saw Sasuke, their eyes instantly widen in surprise as they all bowed before practically scurrying away as Sasuke stepped inside the elevator, Sakura following suit as she pushed the button of the floor where the board meeting will be held.

Since Sakura was standing in front, Sasuke was able to admire her from behind, staring as her hair swayed from the littlest movement she made. He thought her hair had gotten longer the last time he saw her and it was still dyed in pink. He remembered touching her hair, gripping it and then rubbing them, it was soft under his fingers and Sasuke realized his hand was halfway through touching her hair when the door of the lift suddenly opened and Sasuke instantly retrieved his hand back as he cleared his throat and walked out.

They arrived a little earlier but it's better than arriving late because Sasuke knew the smallest mistake he will be making from now on will create a big issue and who knows what kind of rumors those members of the board will start spreading about him.

Sasuke suddenly felt something he has not felt for years as he stood there and rubbed the back of his head.

"Am I nervous?" He asked himself, voice low but Sakura turned around to face him.

"I'm sorry sir, did you say something?" Sakura asked, looking at him and Sasuke stopped rubbing the back of his neck and straightened up.

"Miss Haruno," he started before he cleared his throat again and swallowed slightly. "How do I look?"

Sakura opened her mouth but then closed it again as she looked at him. "You mean, physically sir?"

Sakura shook her head at the silly question and looked at Sasuke, blurting the first thing that came out of her mind when she repeated his question in her head.

"You look handsome, sir," she said and then suddenly feeling surprise when she actually said it. "I mean, presentable."

Sasuke frowned and Sakura averted her eyes, trying to hide the small tint of pink on her cheeks but realizing her hair was tied up so she couldn't use it as a curtain to hide her flushed face.

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