Chapter 6

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A/n: Let me have this small moment to say that I feel so terrible right now. I have written a whole Chapter with almost three thousand words and now it's all gone. I don't know what kind of witchcraft watty pulled again (it happened once before). Imagine I've written a whole Chapter and now everything is gone 😭😭😭😭 I wanna cry ahhhhhhh. And the way I've written the Chapter was so good. Now I have to rewrite this again from scratch. I don't even know if I remember everything word by word. I feel so sad, author-senpai is gonna crawl in her cocoon of duvet. Enjoy the Chapter nonetheless.







The Spring had gone by in a swoosh of Cherry Blossom petals and in exchange is the start of a new Season, Summer. Tokyo has always been a busy City so one can hardly tell the difference between Spring and Summer but the vibrance of the surroundings is enough to know that it is indeed Summer already.

Four months after Sarada's birth, Sakura still felt everything that transpired was a dream. The first few weeks were magical, though Sakura never believe in magic, the moment she laid her eyes on the baby she realized that magic might actually be real.

For the most part, until the reality of parenthood smack her in the face and Sakura realized how hard it is to take care of a newborn baby. There are times when she would wake up in the middle of the night and more often than not she would not get a wink of sleep until morning. The process was exhausting and Sakura was actually thankful Ino was by her side for the first four months. Until she has to go back to Miyagi to tend on her own matters.

"Are you sure you don't want anything other than a cake?" Sakura asked, for the third time, as she stood before Ino. They were outside the station, waiting until the bullet train arrives.

"Sakura, it's fine. Besides, being Sarada's godmother is more than enough." Ino looked at the baby as she slightly pinched her cheeks. The baby made cute noises as Ino squealed.

"Sakura, are you sure you'll be alright?" Ino asked as she straighten up and stared at her best friend.

Sakura playfully rolled her eyes as she nodded. "I'll be fine. Besides, Sarada doesn't cry as much as babies her age right Sarda?"

The baby stared at Sakura before she giggled as if she just understood what her mother said. As months went by, the baby's features started to develop and Sakura couldn't help but think about the resemblance with him, especially those big onyx eyes that seem to reflect the lights.

Ino smiled as she pulled Sakura in a hug, careful not to squish the baby between them. "Alright, but promised me two things." Ino took a step back as she looked at Sakura.

"One, you have to promise me you'll tell him about Sarada and two, take care of yourself."

"I will take care of myself," Sakura said but Ino squinted her eyes skeptically as she put her hands on her hips.


There was a brief silence as Sakura contemplated her next words. It's not that she wouldn't tell him. Sakura had thought about it many times. But she knew it wouldn't be that easy.

"At the right time," Sakura said, trailing off. "I'll tell him."

Ino nodded as her gaze soften. "And you're going to apply to their Company!"

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