Chapter 48

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Sakura is especially in a good mood that morning. She was especially happy when she heard what Sasuke said while they were having breakfast. It was weekend and Sasuke didn't go to the Company, and whenever he's home they'd eat together with the baby.

"Really, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked, her emerald eyes gleamed and sparkled as she looked at Sasuke who took a napkin to wipe the side of his lips before he looked at her, nodding his head.

"It's the holiday break and we will be having dinner at my parents' house next week for Christmas." Sasuke's eyes averted to the baby sitting in her seat, beside Sakura. "So I think it's fine to go out and buy some stuff."

The baby is getting a lot healthier, her cheeks looking as though they're about to burst whenever she chew her baby food. Sakura just happily give her a spoonful of her favorite food and Sarada clapped her hands, giggling as she asked for more. Unlike other babies her age who started to get picky with their food, Sarada doesn't seem to be as much picky and Sasuke noticed that as his gaze averted to the bowl.

"She isn't a picky eater," he muttered and Sakura looked at him.

"Yep!" She said with a smile before she wiped the side of Sarada's cheek. "She eats almost anything I offer her. Look at you, who's the cutest baby in the world?" Sakura said turning back to look at Sarada. "Mama's baby girl!"

The baby giggled and Sakura gave her another spoonful.

"Does she like tomatoes too?" Sasuke suddenly asked, the question so out of the blue.

At the mention of the word, Sakura flinched and Sasuke noticed it as he looked at her. The baby, who seemingly understood the word, looked at her father. "About that, Sasuke-kun..." Sakura said slowly looking at Sasuke. "How about we go get ready to go to Ginza, yes?"

So she doesn't like it, Sasuke thought. Though he didn't comment on it further as he stood. "I'll wait for you in the living room."

Sakura tried to feed Sarada tomatoes once, but Sarada didn't like it. She must have developed it from when Sakura was in her belly. She remember being really disgusted with tomatoes back then. But then again, it's not like something like that has ever been proven. So Sakura thought maybe Sarada would grow to like tomatoes soon.

After getting ready, the three headed outside and towards Ginza District, the heart of shopping malls in Tokyo. It's the holidays and weekend, since the day is seemingly bright and sunny, there were lots of people around.

"I think we should go buy Sarada's clothes first, Sasuke-kun," Sakura suggested. "She'll get tired and sleepy soon."

"Alright," Sasuke said simply as they headed to a mall and went to the store where they sell clothes for babies.

Although it's not the first time Sakura had gone shopping for baby clothes, today she felt incredibly special. She thought about just why. And as she looked ahead and saw Sasuke standing near the dress rack with the baby in her stroller by his side, Sakura thought the two looked really perfect together.

Since the two resemble each other, the baby is starting to look more and more like Sasuke with her big onyx eyes and raven hair, the two really do look picture perfect. Sakura took her phone and clicked a photo of the two while Sasuke isn't looking and while Sakura was busy staring at the pictures, the two couldn't exactly helped but attract some attention.

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