Chapter 41

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Fortunately, Sakura's fever had gone done the day after that. And although Sasuke would like to spend more time with the baby, he also has a lot of things to attend to, although he prefers not to go to the company and spend all day in his house.

Sakura on the other hand.

"No," Sasuke said as he took his coat.

"But Sasuke-kun, I don't have a fever now. Besides, we're not married yet so technically, I'm still your Sec—"

Sasuke doesn't know how else to shut her from talking without cutting her off except for what he did just now.

As cliché as that may seem, Sakura was more than surprise when she felt his lips atop hers and she stood frozen for a second. The kiss was a mere peck on the lips and did not last as long as Sasuke leaned out. The baby looked at her father before her big onyx eyes turn to her mother whose cheeks started to redden.

"I'll see you later," Sasuke said as he turn to leave but stopped when he promptly remembered something. "Oh and mother might visit later."

"Alright," Sakura said, walking up to Sasuke as he pressed the elevator button. "I'll see you later, Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke stepped inside the lift just in time to see a small hand waving goodbye before the lift's door closed and Sasuke felt the side of his lips turning up in a smile. Seeing the baby wave her small hand at him made Sasuke feel a wave of positive emotions, a year ago he would not have imagined such scenario but now, Sasuke is more thankful than anything.

"Alright Sarada," Sakura said, placing the baby on her walker. "Mama will just prepare some food for lunch in case grandma visit so you behave yourself, okay?"

The baby stare at Sakura, as if trying to comprehend her words before she moved around with her walker as Sakura headed to the kitchen.

True to what Sasuke said earlier, Mikoto came just in time for lunch and she was with Izumi.

"I heard you were sick. Are you alright now, Sakura?" Mikoto asked and Sakura nodded with a smile. She must have heard from Sasuke.

"By the way Sakura," Izumi said this time as she turned to Sakura. "Have you and Sasuke talked about what kind of wedding would you prefer?"

That question actually took Sakura by surprise, not that she didn't expect her to ask that. But Sakura had not thought about it either.

What kind of wedding.

Usually, average people these days would just go and have their marriage certificate signed, nothing too fancy like a whole ceremony because time is of the essence. But families like the Uchiha can never do such thing. Sakura knew that much. It will never be something simple, but it's not like she is expecting a lot either. Sure, she is going to marry into one of the biggest conglomerate in East Asia, if anything their wedding might be known as the wedding of the year. But Sakura doesn't want to go that far.

So with a smile, Sakura shook her head.

"Not yet. Sasuke-kun said he already started planning."

"He did?" Mikoto asked, blinking a few times and Sakura looked at her.

"Yes...he did say everything is set.."

"He did?" Mikoto repeated.


"No, you did not!" Naruto almost yelled and people in the café stared at him before they went back to their own businesses. He looked at Sasuke who is sitting across him, calmly sipping his coffee like he did not just blatantly tell his best friend that he lied to Sakura.

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