Chapter 28

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Sakura has never seen Sasuke look so pissed. She's seen him look annoyed, he's annoyed most of the times before. But who knew that one simple word, a name to be exact, would irritate him so much Sakura feels like she's standing on thin ice, one wrong move and it'll crack.

Sasuke has been silent since Sakura answered his question. But she's only stating the truth, it was Naruto who chose the skirt from when Mikoto told her to buy corporate attires. Naruto just so happened to accompany her during that time. But Sakura wasn't able to explain it because Sasuke looked really pissed. Although other people might think he doesn't care judging by how quiet he is, Sakura knew and she could feel, how annoyed he is right now as she stood a little step behind him in the elevator.

The door of the lift opened and when Sakura looked up, she saw they were only on the third floor. Two employees were about to walk inside the lift when they saw Sasuke and Sakura noticed how the two seem so surprise, their eyes widen and they visibly gulped before bowing their heads and the lift closed. Sasuke was still quiet and Sakura felt like a few seconds in the lift just took a few years from her lifespan as they finally got to the lobby.

They were in the car and Sakura was just glad he wasn't speeding through the street of Tokyo to tell how pissed off he is.

Sakura doesn't even know if she would say sorry or something, well in the first place, it wasn't her fault. And it was just a simple skirt that Naruto had to pick off a rack, even he didn't give it much thought when he chose the skirt.

Once the car halted, they headed to the lift and up the penthouse where the baby is waiting with Mebuki.

"Look Sarada, mama's home!" Mebuki said as the baby, who is in her walker, practically sped to Sakura before she bend down to pick the baby.

"Let's go, dinner's ready," Mebuki said and Sakura nodded before her mom went to the kitchen.

"Sasuke-kun?" Sakura finally called his name but Sasuke just waved his hand dismissively as he headed upstairs.

"What kind of response is that?" Sakura asked, knitting her eyebrows as she looked at the baby who tilted her head in confusion.

"Listen Sarada, don't end up with your  papa's attitude," Sakura said, and the baby just looked at her, not blinking her eyes. "Seriously, why is he so pissed off?"

As Sakura started eating dinner, feeding the baby her food once in a while, the silence was broken as Mebuki spoke.

"Sasuke isn't going to eat?" She asked and Sakura just shrugged her shoulders.

"By the way Sakura," her mother said again, and this time, with a tone that had Sakura putting her chopsticks down and looking at her mother. "Your grandma was hospitalized yesterday."

"What?" Sakura said, her tone lace in concern that even Sarada looked at her mom. "What happened?"

"Oh it wasn't that serious," Mebuki said nonchalantly, waving her hand and Sakura sighed in relief. "But Sakura, I have to go back there earlier than December."

Sakura has been used to being on her own, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel sad whenever her parents leave the country. And although it was just a scant amount of sadness, she does feel dejected.

"When?" She asked.

"Next week," Mebuki said with a smile, but it's more reassuring than happy.

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