Chapter 31

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Sasuke could hardly forget about the many times he went to a family dinner. There was never a simple family dinner and more often than not Sasuke usually never finish the dinner and he would usually leave in the middle of it. He just doesn't like it, how his family had to use that lame excuse so they could discuss things concerning business. He just hope this would turn out less worse than he imagine.

"Sasuke-kun," Sakura's voice pulled him out of his reverie as he blinked his eyes and looked at her. "Are we not going out?"

The car had been parked outside for a few minutes now and Sasuke only realize it now as he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door, Sakura following suit as she too stepped outside.

Sakura took Sasuke's hand again, and instinctively he seem to hold tighter as they walked. But they had not taken a few steps when Sasuke stopped causing Sakura to stop as well as she turned around.

"I've never felt this nervous for a family dinner," he said and Sasuke was a bit surprised to hear Sakura chuckling.

"Took you long to admit it out loud."

"Huh?" Sasuke asked, sounding as if he was offended by what she said causing Sakura to chuckle more.

"It will be fine," Sakura said, putting her other hand atop his hand as she smiled reassuringly.

Sasuke nodded once but he did not say anything as he started to walk again. He knew there's nothing to be nervous about. Because he was the one who told Sakura that no matter how this dinner would turn out nothing will change between them so why does it matter? This is just an act of formality, their opinions would hardly matter. And Sasuke kept telling himself that as they went inside the house.

Sakura's eyes landed on the staircase in front, the marble floor and chandelier. She was so in awe she almost gushed out loud as she looked around. She knew they were really rich, but she was still surprise and Sakura cannot do anything about it. When she grew up in an average house, Sasuke grew up here in this manor-like house.

Sakura was a step behind Sasuke as he led the way to the dining hall. But before they could walk closer, Sakura tried to let go of his hand but Sasuke just held it closer.

"Sasuke-kun," Sakura said. "It would be suspicious if they see us holding hands like this," she muttered as they stopped for a second.

"What?" Sasuke asked. "Doesn't a Boss bringing his Secretary to a family dinner not suspicious enough?"

Sakura could not argue with that as she pursed her lips instead.

"Besides, they're going to know about us sooner than later."

Sasuke pulled her hand lightly and they continued to walk until they arrived at the dining hall. Sakura could feel the anxiety now making its way to her system as she hid behind Sasuke but Sasuke stepped to the side.

The dining hall is as grandeur as anywhere in this house. The rectangular table already has food waiting atop it and Sakura saw four people sitting in front. She recognized two of them. Mikoto, who is sitting at the right side of the table and Izumi who is sitting at the left beside a man who resemble Sasuke.

Sakura could not decipher their expressions right away because Mikoto spoke.

"Sasuke, you're here?" She said with a smile as she turned to Sakura. "And you brought...Sakura."

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