Chapter 29

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Naruto stood there, staring at the two in front. He was surprise to see Sasuke and Sakura as much as the two were surprise to see him here as well. Naruto wasn't able to answer Sasuke's question right away as he stare at him, and then at Sakura and then back at Sasuke before Naruto cleared his throat and straightened up. Fortunately his drink didn't spill or he knew Sasuke's glare would intensify tenfold.

"What in the world are you doing here Nar–"

"Huh?" Naruto asked, cutting Sasuke off before he could finish his question for the second time. "What do you mean what am I doing here?"

Naruto looked around before he looked back at Sasuke. "Last time I checked," he said, taking a sip of his drink before continuing. "This shopping mall is mine. I own this whole place."

Sakura's eyes widen. Sure she knows he must be rich. But after hearing what he said, Sakura realized why the staff from last time they went here were so polite to Naruto.

Sasuke scoffed as he shook his head. "No you don't. Your family does."

Naruto crossed his arms in front of his chest as he grinned. "Well it's going be mine soon so what's the difference."

Sasuke fell silent for a few seconds. Naruto wasn't wrong about it, his family owns quite a few establishments and shopping malls around Japan, one of which is this one in Ginza District. Sasuke has always thought that Naruto has more than what he deserve sometimes, and it's not like he's taking them for granted. But he does like goofing around, wasting time and money going to places like clubs and bars. That was why he was sent to work in the Company.

Suddenly Sasuke had an idea, as he looked at Naruto, he couldn't help but felt the side of his lips turning up ever so slightly.

"What I meant was, what are you doing here at this hour? Shouldn't you be in the Company sorting out files or something?"

Naruto's expression changed and his smug look from earlier completely vanished as he opened his mouth to speak but closed them again as he averted his eyes and Sasuke felt his smirk widened.

"You really shouldn't be roaming around Ginza, in a shopping mall, it doesn't matter if you own this place or not. If my–" Sasuke stopped for a second. He was about to say father, but he hesitated. "If my father finds out about this, your contract will be extended for another year or two."

"Hey Sasuke!" Naruto said, his voice louder than necessary that a few people looked at them. Naruto pointed at Sasuke accusingly and Sasuke raise his eyebrow, looking at Naruto's pointer finger before he looked up.

"What?" He asked, before he sighed inaudibly. "Let's go Sakura."

Sasuke had just taken a few steps when Naruto run up to him and stopped in front of him.

"Sasuke, don't tell Uncle that I've been ditching my work! I don't wanna work in the Company for another week, let alone a year. Come on Sasuke, please," he said, sounding like he's whining as he pleaded, taking Sasuke's hand before Sasuke took his hand back and looked at Naruto with his eyebrows knitted together.

It's not like Naruto is the only one who doesn't like to work in that Company for another week. If Sasuke could, he'd leave the Company. As if that can be as easily done as easily stated.

Sasuke sighed again before he nodded. "I won't tell anyone. Just go back to the Company before lunch."

Naruto looked at his wristwatch briefly before he looked back at Sasuke. "Eh? But it's almost lunchtime!"

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