Chapter 19

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The night in Central Tokyo has always been lit with many lights, despite the later hours people still crowd the Shibuya Crossing, making it look as though it's a City that never sleeps. Sakura watched as she sat in the car, the traffic light shining red as the countdown narrowed to twenty. She watched as people walked through the sidewalk, the stores still open despite it almost midnight. Sakura don't usually believe in coincidence, but she has a strong belief in fate and how she seem to mess things with destiny. But the utter coincidence that her mom had arrived back and the sudden call she got from Naruto saying that she should go tend to Sasuke seems like a work of fate as well.

Sakura was actually glad the baby didn't wake up when she was getting ready to leave and she was thankful her mother was there to take care of Sarada while she's gone, she doesn't know how long she'll be staying over his penthouse.

"I hope Sasuke-kun isn't that drunk," she muttered, chewing on her nail before the traffic light turned to green and Sakura stepped on the gas as she sped up to his penthouse.

She was in a hurry that she wasn't able to stop by the pharmacy to get some medicine but then she knew there must be some in his penthouse. Or if anything she'll just make some soup or anything that will help overcome the hangover tomorrow.

Sakura stopped the car in the entrance of the condominium and went straight for the private elevator and stepped in. While waiting until the lift arrived up, Sakura sighed and leaned on the wall.

"I thought he was at a family dinner? Why was he suddenly drinking?" Sakura muttered as the lift dinged open and she stepped in the hallway.

She walked up to the living room where she saw Sasuke's coat sprawled on the couch but Sasuke wasn't there. She looked around and suddenly flinched when she came face to face with Sasuke who was standing right in front of her.

"S-Sasuke-kun," Sakura said as she averted her eyes and took a step back. "I– Naruto called me earlier, he said you were drunk so I came here."

"Naruto?" Sasuke asked, muttering the name of his friend as his brows knitted.

Something feels off about him and Sakura sensed it the moment he stepped closer to her. She doesn't know why but she suddenly felt intimidated, his towering figure hovering over her making the scent of liquor and strong perfume wafted in her nostrils.

"I'll go make some soup or coffee in a sec," she said as she took a step past Sasuke.

But just as Sakura was about to walk farther, she felt his arm stopped her and pushed her back as Sasuke looked at her, his emotion was hard to decipher. Whether he's pissed about something or not.

"You're drunk Sasuke-kun, I think you should rest," Sakura slowly said, her eyes trailing down as his arm was still preventing her from taking a step or going anywhere.

His hold on her was making Sakura a bit uncomfortable as she tried to squeeze her way through but she felt his arm snaked around her waist.

"Drunk?" He muttered, so close Sakura could smell the liquor strongly now. "Do I look drunk?"

His face seem flush, his air was a mess but it didn't make him any less attractive, his eyes seem hazy and he's oozing of strong alcohol, if that doesn't make him seem drunk Sakura doesn't know what will.

"Sasuke-kun," she said as she tried to pry his hand from her waist. "I think you should get some rest."

Sakura tried to get her way out of his hold but his hold was practically as strong as iron as he suddenly pulled her closer to him and Sakura almost gasped as she tried to put her hand on his chest.

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