Chapter 7

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When Sakura submitted her application, she absolutely had no idea she will receive a call from the Company after a week. It was her first time applying for a job and even then, she knew that was quite fast for someone who is a fresh graduate like her. But she didn't let her negative thoughts weigh her down as she looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

"Okay Sakura, you can do this," she reminded herself as she put a few strands of her hair behind her ears before she walked out of the bathroom.

The moment Sarada saw her mommy emerged from her room, she immediately outstretched her little hands towards Sakura.

"Sarada, mommy's going to the interview for a bit, will you be fine with the nanny?" Sakura asked, and as if the baby could understand her, her big onyx eyes stared at Sakura with some sort of understanding.

Sakura handed the baby to the middle aged woman who is a good friend of her mother and lived next door. Sakura had a hard time looking for a nanny and Sarada is always wary of strangers holding her. But the middle aged woman was no stranger since she often visit to give Sakura her home-made lasagna that she learned from spending a few years in Europe.

"Thank you again Moriuchi-san. I'll be back before dinner," Sakura said as she kissed Sarada on the forehead.

"Be careful and good luck Sakura," the middle aged woman said with a smile as Sakura returned her smile before she walked towards the front door and into the busy street of Tokyo.

Sakura decided to book a taxi to the Company since squeezing her way into the crowded Tokyo Station is not really a good idea since she's going to an interview. Though the cab cost more than the train, Sakura will not be taking her chances in the crowded place to commute to the Company.

After ten minutes, considering that the traffic is a bit slow, Sakura arrived at the Company owned by the Uchiha Corporation. Standing at the heart of Central Tokyo, it was surrounded by Shinjuku to the East and Shibuya to the West. The Company is near a park and Sakura find the surrounding pleasant and peaceful especially at this mid-Summer morning. The Company's building is also surrounded with several small establishments like fast food restaurants and coffee shops. The cafes in particular reminded Sakura of the one her grandmother owned in Canada.

After looking around for a moment, Sakura entered the building. The air from outside had gone thicker with the atmosphere of the corporate world as Sakura took a deep breath.

But when she turned to walk again, her body bumped into someone. At least bumping into someone is not that bad but what made it worse was the person was holding a cup of iced coffee that so happened to spilled on Sakura's clothes.

"What the-?!" Sakura said stopping herself just before she said something she would regret, a bit exasperatedly but she really couldn't help it as she looked at her blouse that was stained with coffee.

"Shoot I'm sorry," the guy said as he looked at the mess his coffee had done on Sakura's blouse. "But you bumped into me."

Sakura was initially going to let it slide when he apologized. But she's absolutely not going to have it when he had to say that remark as Sakura looked up and glared at the guy she bumped into. He's quite tall and lean, hair in spike and blonde, probably dyed as Sakura couldn't decide between the smug look or the outgoing look this guy had on his face.

"Hey, you don't seem to be an employee here. I'm sure I've never met you before," he said and Sakura didn't like the way he's speaking like he's not an employee here either.

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