Chapter 34

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It was right after putting the baby to sleep that night when Sakura knew she needed to explain everything to Sasuke. She tried so hard to divert their conversation during dinner, even going as far as to compliment the good quality of the skipjack tuna that Sasuke's mother brought earlier. But Sakura knew that there is no escaping the explanation. It's not even that hard to explain, it's just that Sakura couldn't help but notice Sasuke's expression as he sat on the couch in his room and Sakura averted her gaze.

"Well," he started, propping his leg atop his knee as he leaned on the couch. "Care to explain to me why my parents were here earlier?"

"I.." Sakura trailed off, it's not even that hard to explain, she has to remind herself. "I wanted them to see Sarada. She's their grandchild so they deserve to meet her. They aren't that ba–"

"Sakura," he cut her off as Sakura looked at him suddenly. "Don't you think there's a perfect time and place for that? You didn't even consult me on this. You just acted on your own."

Sakura didn't expect that. She knew he might be surprised to see his parents in his penthouse, Sakura expected that. But what she didn't expect was to hear that coming from him.

"You were the who told me not to tell you! If you had asked me, I would've told you."

That's right, it was a week ago when Sasuke heard her mumbling to herself, talking to Sarada about this plan of hers. It was Sasuke who told her it's fine if she doesn't want to tell him. But if he asked, then it would have been a different story. But if he did, and he knew, Sakura doubt he'll let them meet the baby.

"Besides, I was scared you would have cut your ties with them," she said, a little lower this time as her shoulders slumped and she looked down.

"What? Why would you be scared, they have not–" Sasuke stopped when he realized that what he is about to say may have cause a misunderstanding.

But it seems Sakura had caught up with what he's about to say.

"They may have nothing to do with me. But they are your daughter's grandparents. I don't want her to grow up knowing that her father had cut ties with her grandparents. If anything, I want her to have a complete family."

"That's not true," Sasuke said and Sakura doesn't know which part of what she said isn't true.

So as she was busy thinking over it, Sakura didn't notice Sasuke is already in front of her until she saw him towering over her and Sakura looked up. He held her face, his hand was cold yet in contrast with her warm cheek it gradually adapted to its heat, Sakura involuntarily leaned in.

"That's not true. It's not that you don't have anything to do with them. The fact that you're the mother of their grandchild is enough to have something to do with them."

So that was the reason why he chose not to finish that statement, Sakura thought as she watched him slowly bend down and lean closer to her. Her lips automatically parting ways as she waited for the light feathery touch of his lips. When she felt the soft and warm kiss, Sakura's eyes immediately closed and she slowly felt being pushed down on the bed. It wasn't until she felt his hand going under her shirt did Sakura realize where the kiss was going and she opened her eyes and slightly pushed Sasuke as he leaned out with a frown.

"What?" He asked and he looked annoyed as he propped his arms beside her head.

"I think it's the baby," Sakura said, quickly averting her gaze to the baby monitor beside the bed. "I think Sarada's awake!"

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