Chapter 45

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Sakura groaned as she stirred in her sleep. Her body felt heavy and she felt feverish, she knew it must have been the remnants of last night's activity, Sasuke was not kidding when he said he isn't going to stop. The thought made Sakura flustered as she buried her face on the pillow and groaned again.

"Are you awake?" Sakura heard Sasuke asked and she answered with another groan. "Let's have breakfast."

Sakura rolled on her back, Sasuke is already dressed. She looked on the clock by the wall and realized it's already half past eight. Slowly she sat up as she nodded. After freshening up, Sakura and Sasuke headed to the restaurant near the villa. Upon their arrival, the baby giggled when she saw Sakura, clapping her hands as she outstretched her arms towards her mother.

"Sarada, were you a good girl last night?" Sakura asked as she took the baby from Mikoto. "You didn't give grandma a hard time?"

Sarada just leaned and scooted closer on Sakura's shoulder as she pat her back earning a light laugh from the baby as well as from Mikoto. "Your papa gave me a hard time last night."

"I'm sorry, what?" Mikoto asked, turning to Sakura, blinking her eyes but she's smiling and Sakura's eyes widen in return. She didn't mean for Mikoto to hear it but she doesn't seem like she heard it anyways, judging by her expression she might have thought Sakura was talking to her.

"No, it's nothing, Mikoto-san," Sakura said, a little sheepishly.

"Oh please, call me mother," Mikoto said, her smile never leaving her face and Sakura nodded.

Sakura felt a hand on her back and when she looked beside her she saw Sasuke who is looking at his mother who had just went to their table and then back to Sakura. "Did I hear that right?"

Sakura furrowed her brows and then Sasuke continued.

"I gave you a hard time last night? You were the one being so aggressive last night." Sasuke saw how her face reddened and he turned to the side, hiding the upturn of his lips and his light laugh with a cough as he started to walk, Sakura followed after a moment.

Once they had breakfast, they went to enjoy the last day of their stay in Okinawa. But Sakura really couldn't enjoy much of it since her head still aches from the alcohol she that chugged the night before, not to mention, her body also felt so heavy and sore. So she just stood there, watching as her and Sasuke's family enjoy the remaining hours before they leave Okinawa.

"Sakura-chan! Let's go snorkeling!" Naruto yelled, waving at Sakura who is standing by the balcony of their room, overlooking the ocean.

Sakura shook her head and waved at him dismissively. She'd like to go snorkeling but she isn't really in the mood to do anything so she turned around and went back inside.

"You didn't go snorkeling with Naruto?" Sasuke asked when Sakura settled on the couch. Naruto's voice was so loud Sasuke was able to hear him earlier.

Sakura shook her head and curved in a ball as she snuggled on the pillow, finding the comfortable spot as she lie there.

"We're going back to Tokyo this afternoon. Are you sure you don't want to even go outside?"

Sakura's voice sounded muffled against the pillow, not that Sasuke heard what she said anyways. And Sakura isn't in the mood to repeat what she said either. She felt the couch dipped beside her and Sasuke put his hand on the headrest to support himself as he leaned behind Sakura.

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