Chapter 30

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Sasuke knew there might be reasons for everything that occured in life, he wasn't really one to ponder poetic things such as that but for once in a while he would think that perhaps there are certain things in life that happen for a reason. And maybe the fact that his father went out of the country and the family dinner was held back for two weeks also had a fair amount of reason why it occured. But as for the reason, Sasuke had yet to contemplate it.

A week had blurred by like the lights blurring outside a speeding a car, it hardly felt like a whole week passed but Sasuke found himself in the same airport two months ago when he came back from abroad. He remembered seeing Sakura for the first time back then, and he remembered how much he had to hold himself back in order to act like he doesn't know anything about the baby. But now, after two months, he was back in the same airport.

He wasn't here because he's going somewhere, however, he was here to accompany Sakura as she bid her farewell to her mother.

"Have a safe trip mom," Sakura said, giving her mother a tight hug. "Say hello to dad and grandma for me."

"Sure. I'll call once I get arrive back alright?" Mebuki said and Sakura nodded.

Sasuke just stood there on the side, seeing their exchange. It looked foreign to him, he's never experienced anything like this. Whenever his parents leave the country, nothing like an exchange of farewell like this occured. To Sasuke, it was just an ordinary thing for a family like his. No emotional goodbyes or see you soon. Sometimes Sasuke wouldn't even know his father had left the country until he comes back.


Suddenly Mebuki's voice pulled Sasuke out of his reverie and he looked up just in time when he felt her embraced him. Sasuke was suddenly taken aback as his eyes widen slightly and he stood still a bit awkwardly as Mebuki gave him a hug.

"Take care of my daughter and granddaughter," she said and Sasuke could just nod in return.

When he thought seeing Sakura and her mother exchange their farewell was foreign to him, the moment Mebuki embraced him like a mother would to his son made Sasuke realize how much he envy this kind of thing when he never experienced such thing himself.

And that simple act made Sasuke realized how much different Sakura's life to his.

After a few exchange, Mebuki waved her hand as she made her way farther in and Sakura stood there, watching her mother's retreating figure until she turned a corner.

"I thought you're going to cry your eyes out," Sasuke said after a while and Sakura playfully gave him a glare as she squinted her eyes.

"Do you think I easily cry? I'm not that emotional."

Sasuke tried to hide the chuckle that escaped his lips with a clear of his throat as they made their way out of the airport.

"It's not that I didn't cry because I wasn't sad that she's leaving soon," Sakura said after a while once they're inside the car and Sasuke looked at her briefly before he started the ignition.

"I had just gotten used to it. They often come back a few times a year since I started College so I'm used to sending them off like that."

Sasuke had one question that managed to slipped his mouth before he could think thoroughly about it or before he could stop himself from asking that question.

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