Chapter 25

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Sasuke usually wakes up in the middle of the night. Sometimes he'd experience insomnia and every time he couldn't sleep, he'll just lie on the bed and stare up at the ceiling. Most of the times, when he did wake up in the middle of the night, he doesn't like it. Because the longer he stay awake, the longer his mind would think about certain things that he doesn't want to think for even a second longer, and most of those things if not all, are about his family.

But this is the first time that Sasuke is actually glad to have woken up in the middle of the night. Because now, he wasn't alone. There was someone sleeping soundly beside him, making the king-sized bed that he's always find huge to now become an ordinary sized bed because he was not lying there alone. And the longer he stays awake like this, the longer he gets to stare at her beautiful face as she sleeps.

"Sakura," he muttered, low enough as to not wake her up but Sakura started to stir in her sleep.

Her eyebrows knitted slightly, her head moving to the side as she scooted closer to Sasuke. But she didn't wake up.

Or so Sasuke thought. When he was about to close his eyes and go back to sleep, Sakura's eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times as she looked up at Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun, did you say my name?" She asked, her voice low and still has hint of sleep in her tone.

"No?" Sasuke said, shaking his head as he turned to her. "Did you hear my voice calling you?"

Sakura nodded, the slight frown she had earlier started to deepen. "Maybe I was having a dream."

"A dream?" Sasuke asked, and he seem like he's not going back to sleep any time soon as he looked at Sakura. "Were you dreaming about me then?"

"I don't know. But I swear I heard you said my name."

After a brief silence, Sasuke finally gave in. Sakura seem confuse now anyways and even if he's enjoying seeing her like that, he also doesn't want to see her frown deep any more or it'll leave a permanent wrinkle on her forehead.

"Alright, I did call your name while you were asleep."

Sakura's frown cease as she looked up, blinking her eyes for a second. "Why?"

Sasuke didn't answer right away, he just stare at her. Will it be too cheesy if he say it? He thought to himself, yet he decided to say it nonetheless.

"Because," he started. "I wanted to make sure I wasn't the one who's dreaming. And that you're really here with me."

"Sasuke-kun, I've been sleeping beside you for a week now, what are you talking about?" Sakura asked, leaning on the bed as she scooted closer to him.

She's right though, Sakura has been sleeping in this room for a week now. And maybe that's also the reason why Sasuke felt a sense of relief. He no longer feel alone in this penthouse that's too spacious for one man to live on his own. And that whenever he wakes up in the middle of the night, instead of staring into space, Sakura is there as a reminder that he isn't alone anymore.

Sasuke had always been fine being alone. Although his brother was his first best friend and Sasuke used to always stick by his side. When Itachi got married, actually, even before that, when he started going out with Izumi, Sasuke has learned to be on his own. He knew his brother can't be with him all the time. Although there's Naruto, Sasuke knew he isn't there every time as well. And most of the time, Sasuke has lived on his own.

But now he isn't alone, in this big penthouse, it doesn't feel empty anymore.

"Sakura," Sasuke called after a while, when he didn't get an answer for a second he thought she's already fallen asleep again.

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