Chapter 34

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Next day

Izuku woke up feeling something heavy on his chest. When he opened his eyes he saw his periwinkle haired beauty. He started to stroke her hair and then kissed her on the forehead. He then took his phone to see what time is it. There was only 30 minutes left before school and their exams.

Izuku :"hey Nej wake up come now wake up" *panicking*

Nejire :"5 more minutes"

Izuku :"No we can't wait for 5 MINUTES WE HAVE EXAM IN LIKE HALF HOUR"

Nejire then shot up from bed.

Nejire :"w-what?"

Izuku :"yeah"

Izuku then looked a little down and saw she was naked. He then had a nosebleed. Nejire then looked down and saw she was naked. She then quickly covered herself with the sheets.

Izuku :"so we did it huh?"

Nejire :"y-yeah"

Izuku :"welp but it's not the time to think about it. Get dressed and I will take you to your home"

Nejire :"ok"

She then rushed to the bathroom to get ready. Izuku then started to get ready himself.

Time skip

She got out of the bathroom all dressed and walked towards Izuku and gave him a peck on the lips.

Izuku :"what was that all about?"

Same time with Katsuki, Mirio and Shoto

Katsuki, Mirio and Shoto :'my dense senses are tingling again must be nerd/izuku. Bro why fuck/heck/hell is he so dense even after getting a girlfriend'.

With Izuku

Nejire :"nothing just wanted some recharge"

Izuku :"oh then I also want some of that. Come here"

He grabbed her waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

Same time with Katsuki, Mirio and Shoto

Katsuki, Mirio and Shoto :'that's mor like it'

With Izuku

Izuku :"now let's go"

Nejire nodded and then Izuku used teleport to get to her house. But instead of her bedroom he teleported in the living room in front of her father who was having his morning tea. When they teleported there Nejire's father got startled and spitted his tea.

(A/n : I'm just gonna name Nejire's father Junji)

Junji :"Nejire where the heck you came from"

Nejire :"uh dad I told day before yesterday that I was going to be staying over at my friend's house. He is that friend well boyfriend"

Junji's eye widen


Then Nejire's mom who's name is Neri came in running.

Neri :"what's all the commotion all about and that too all in the morning"

She then sees Nejire and Izuku holding hands in front of her Husband.

Neri :"Nejire who's that?"*point Izuku*

Nejire :"he is my boyfriend mom"

Neri :"I knew it" *pumping her fist in the air*

Nejire :"eh"

Neri :"all those times you came home smiling, when you were on the phone laughing and all that. And late night chatting on the phone."

Junji :"Neri aren't you gonna say anything why did she didn't tell us about him?"

Neri :"of course but now's not the time. We can have a proper meeting after their exam and your exam starts only in 15 minutes. Now go or you'll be late"

Izuku :"oh........"

Everyone in the room looking at him.

Izuku :"what?"

Nejire :"are you not going home to get dressed and go to school for your exam"

Izuku :"oh yeah"

He then teleports back to his house. When he reached his house he texted Nejire to be ready in 10 minutes. Then he will pick her up.

Time skip

He got dressed and looke at his phone and only five minutes left. He then teleported in front of Nejire's house. Who was waiting for him. They then teleported to the entrance of Nejire's class.

Izuku :"good luck on your exams"

Nejire :"you too bye"

Izuku :"bye"

He then teleported to his classroom. After sometime Aizawa entered the class and handed out their question papers.

Time skip after the written exam.

Aizawa :"alright everybody time's up hand over your paper and go to ground beta with your hero suits on"

Everyone then went to change and then towards ground beta.


(A/n : ok so I screwed up in the previous chapter. I forgot to add picture of his tux and the lambo. I have add a little something in chapter 26 after Kirishima says that they were standing opposite in the award ceremony)

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