chapter 42

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It was evening and both the classes were done with their training. They all were exhausted except big 3, izuku and the pro heroes. But ragdoll said something where the classes paled.

Ragdoll :"ok kittens from now on till the camp ends you will be making your own food. For today you will make"

She then shows them different kinds of ingredients for making dinner.

Ragdoll :"curry. Man you all look exhausted but you can't slack make sloppy food"

Tenya then realises the meaning of this task and tell them.

Tenya :"oh I get it. If someone is recovering from any disaster situation we have to provide physical needs and food is one of them"

Aizawa :'thank you Iida'

Then everybody started to make curry using their quirks in for different types of work. Like Shoto used his fir for lighting the wood for heating the water. When Katsuki tried he blew up the whole setup.

Time skip.

After a lot of tries they made curry and everybody started to eatlike they haven't rated in a week or month.

Kirishima :"man if this was from a restaurant I would have returned this shit back but after today I'll eat everything"

Sero :"Don't say it like that man"

Mina sees Momo eating like this is the last day and said.

Mina :"woah Yaomomo you're scarfing down"

Momo :"yes my quirk uses lipids inside my body to make inorganic object for that I have to eat"

Sero :"like poop works"

She then started to sulk in a corner. Jiro than slapped sero hard and asked him to apologise to Momo. When all this was going on izuku saw that Kota is going in forest and decided to follow him and give him his food. He then took a plate of curry and went in the forest. He saw Kota was sitting by the cliff so he walked towards him. When he was approaching Kota looked towards him.

Kota :"oh you're approaching me"

Izuku :"I can't give you your food from this far"

Kota :"oh ho then come as close as you could......wait what? I think I'm watching jojo way too much. Anyways why the hell are you here"

Izuku :"as I said I came here to give you your food"

Kota :"how did you find this out this is my secret base"

Izuku :"oh I followed you"

Kota :"whatever get lost I don't want to hangout with you so go away"

Izuku :"hey about your parents were they the water hose duo"

Kota :"how did you know that did Mandalay told you"

Izuku :"no no i just read it on the internet few years ago. I was just wondering what happened and why didn't they were working as heroes so I did some research and find it out."

Kota :"everyone here is crazy calling them by name like heroes and villians. Focusing on their quirks and showing of it's pointless, idiots"

Izuku :'oh I get it now it is not like he doesn't like heroes or villians. But he doesn't like quirks in general'

Kota :"were done here go back to camp with the other losers"

Izuku :"ok I'll go but here take this"

Izuku placed the plate alon the ground next to Kota nad was starting to walk away but he said something to him.

Izuku :"hey you know being one of those losers is that bad"

Izuku then teleported back to main camp area. They then eat their food. After finishing their dinner Pixie-bob made an announcement.

Pixie-bob :"now that we have finished with dinner we will be doing the test of courage. It will be between classes"

Kyoka :"sounds like more training x

Fumikage :"revelry in the dark"

Hisashi :"well that's ok but the ones with remedial classes will be with me I, Aizawa and Kan were not impressed by your training today"

Mina :"oh man"

They then draw the teams and gave them instructions on how they will be playing the test of courage. Katsuki was paired up with Shoto he didn't want that so he went to Tsuyu who was matched up with Ochaco.

Katsuki :"hey frog face trade with me"

She didn't and the game started. In the middle of the test they saw that a pink colour smoke enveloped the whole forest. They also can see something burning in the opposite side from the test course. Pixie-bob was lifted by some force and were flying towards the forest then was smashed under a big bar of metal.

Izuku :"no PIXIE-BOB"

Hitoshi :"wasn't the camp supposed to be secret"

Mandalay :"wait where's Kota"

Izuku :"I'll go look for him"

Mandalay nodded.

Same time with Kota

He was see the forest was in fire and some kind of pink smoke.

??? :"Hey kid nice hat"

Kota then turned around and saw a cloaked man with a weird mask.

??? : "Wanna trade it with me"

Kota got scared and was backing out.

??? :"Oh don't get scared I will not kill you directly no, I will kill you slowly"

The man then removed the mask. Kota was shocked to see who it was. It was The same villian who killed his parents it was Muscular. Muscular was about to punch kota using his quirk but was stopped by a voice behind him.

??? :"Hey"

Muscular then turned around and saw a green haied boy.

Muscular :"what do you want?"

Izuku :"I came here for that kid. Now would you please be a good boy and hand him over"

Muscular :"and why would I do that?"

Izuku :"cause if you don't I will make you"

Muscular :"hah like you can"

Izuku :"see for yourself"


(A/n : I was going to update yesterday but the chapter wasn't complete.)

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