Chapter 41

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Izuku :"that tomorrow camp is going to be attacked by the league of villians"

Nejire :"what?"

Izuku :"no time to explain hurry"

Izuku then started to run towards Aizawa's room.

Nejire :"hey wait"

They both ran towards Aizawa's room. When they reached it izuku bursted into the room making the door bang and waking Aizawa in the process. He woke up screaming like a girl you know how it happens in other anime yeah like that. Aizawa then spoke up.

Aizawa :*clearly annoyed* "what?"

Izuku :"Mr.Aizawa tomorrow camp will be attacked by the league"

Aizawa :*narrowing his eyes* "And how do you know about that?"

Izuku :"I have my men in the league they are giving me information about every step the league will take"

Aizawa :"then why didn't you tell us that before the USJ"

Izuku :"cause I didn't met them till after the Sports festival"

Aizawa :"ok Izuku Midoriya tell me what else are you hiding from us?"

Izuku then explained everything to him and how he hid them from the heroes. Aizawa believed every single word of izuku cause he knows that izuku will never lie to him and you all know the reason why. After that Aizawa spoke up.

Aizawa :"take me to Nezu I want to explain the situation to him and asking for backup" 'i don't get paid enough for this shit'

Izuku :"ok" *Turns to Nejire* "Nej I'll be back"

Nejire :"yeah I go now izu or Mr.Aizawa will fall asleep again"

They turn to see Aizawa going in his sleeping bag. Aizawa the spoke.

Aizawa :"what?"

Izuku :"we are going to Nezu for backup right"

Aizawa :"oh"

Izuku :"what do you mean oh get out of the bag and put your hand on my shoulder I am not going to carry you"

Aizawa then grabbed izuku's shoulder and they teleported to Nezu. When they woke him up he had a jumpscare when he saw Izuku and Aizawa. They then explained him everything. He then replied.

Nezu :"oh I think it's a wonderful opportunity to let the students know what is a high tier villian is capable of."

Aizawa :"but sir if something happens to the students people will not believe in security of UA as this will be second attack in which they can succeed"

Nezu :"don't forget you have powerhouse literally"

Aizawa :"sir they don't have their lisence yet"

Nezu :"oh come on Aizawa. Fine I will send backup but only one person that is Hisashi Midoriya"

Aizawa :"thank you sir good night"

Nezu :"good night to you too"

They both then teleported back to the camp. Nejire then asked them.

Nejire :"so? How did it go?"

Izuku :"he took it pretty good actually"

Nejire :"good so anything"

Izuku :"yeah backup will arrive tomorrow" *Turns to Aizawa* "and Mr.Aizawa if they are on the team who is going to attack then we have to capture them for rehabilitation and not for prison"

Aizawa :"whatever you say problem child"

Izuku :"cause I know that thay were wronged by society and they did not choose this path so please sir- uhh sir?"

Aizawa :*yawns* "yeah what?"

Izuku :"I was saying-"

Aizawa :"shut your monologue and go to sleep"

Izuku :"right"

He and Nejire them went to their own rooms and fell asleep.

Time skip next day

They all got up at 5:30 am they were half-asleep well some of them were wide awake like Fumikage, Mezou and Ojiro.

Aizawa :"alright everybody do your warm ups and start with your training. And I am going to go and sleep now"

After giving the instructions he then pulled out the sleeping bag out of nowhere and slumped in it. They then went to their training except for Izuku, Nejire, Mirio and Tamaki. They were watching and assisting the Pussycats and the class.

Time skip 12 pm

They were still doing their training when they saw class -1B walking out of the forest. Class -1B were scared of the training the other class was doing. Izuku noticed them and waved at them. When they reached there. Itsuka then spoke up.

Itsuka :"hey izuku"

Izuku :"hey Itsuka"

Class was eyeing Itsuka that how she was on first name basis with Izuku. She then turned to them and spoke.

Itsuka :"it's not like that guys and he already have a girlfriend.

They looked down.

Itsuka :"so izuku why are you not training?"

Izuku :"well I am here to assist"

The class -1B then made a face of oh and went to change. After 30 minutes izuku saw another figure emerging form the forest. He knew who it was. Mirio then asked

Mirio :"who is that?"

Izuku :'my dad"

Mirio :"why is Mr.Midoriya here?"

Izuku :"he is here for as a teacher for remedial class"

Hisashi then greeted them, he almost spilled that he was the backup. They then went inside for their lunch.

(A/n: hope you enjoyed it)

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