Chapter 43

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Izuku :"see for yourself"

Muscular was about to punch him but Izuku said

Izuku :"wait wait wait"

Muscular :"why?"

Izuku :"for this"

Then Izuku make a portal below Kota and a portal above himself and catch Kota. He then put kota down.

Muscular :"oh yeah casualties" *realises he's a villain* "why I care about him" *gets angry*.

Kota then goes behind izuku.

Izuku :"kota get out of here"

Kota :"but-"

Izuku then turns his head towards him and smiles.

Izuku :"I'll be fine"

Ad he was turning his head to Muscular he met a punch to his face and was sent flying in the mountain wall. Muscular was laughing

Muscular :"some hero you are"

He then give his attention to Kota. He was about to walk towards him but stopped by a voice. Izuku was speaking to him while still embedded in the mountain wall

Izuku :"man that was your punch. It didn't even tickle. Hell that was only a love tap"

Muscular :"w-what I punched you hard enough to break your bones"

Izuku :"that wasn't a punch I'll show you what a real punch is"

Izuku then speeds to him and gives him a uppercut. Muscular didn't even got a chance to activate his defenses. When he was in the air he was sledgehammered by Izuku to the ground. Then Izuku activated one for all throughout his body.

Izuku :'One for all 100 percent'

He then punched muscular from every side. Muscular didn't keep up with him. After izuku's punches stopped, Muscular was feeling dizzy and was about to fall but stood up.

Muscular :"you have power now I will go all out."

After Muscular said that more muscles came out of his body.
Izuku just smirked.

Muscular :"what are you smiling at"

Izuku :"now I can hold back 50 percent before was only 1 percent of my quirk"

Muscular was getting scared now.

Muscular :"w-what"

Izuku :"yeah now let's go"

With Aizawa.

Aizawa was in the remedial class with Kan and Hisashi. They got the message from Mandalay that the attack has started. He nodded and told Hisashi and Kan

Aizawa :"you two stay here I will go out and search for students."

They both nodded. Aizawa was about to exited the building and was met by Dabi aka Toya Todoroki. Dabi then used his flames to burst him. But Aizawa used his tape to hang to the the building.

Aizawa :"you are Dabi right?"

Dabi :"yes but let's finish this"

He then gave a small nof to give Aizawa a hint of going with the act. Aizawa took the hint and pinned him down. That's when Tenya came out of the woods with Koji, Hitoshi and Ojiro.

Aizawa :"you four go inside".

He then jumped to gain distance between himself and Dabi. When he retracted his tape back to him it went through Dabi and he melted into soil. This scared the 4 students and they all ran inside the building.

Aizawa :*scoffed* "so much for being a hero" 'but that was a bit scary but not too much'

He then went into the forest to find rest of his students.

With Izuku.

He was fighting Muscular who had broken ribs, blood coming out of his head and arms and very purple left face cheek. Muscular then gave a strong punch to the ground which caused a shockwave. Izuku dodged it by jumping but kota got hit by the shockwave and a rock was thrown towards him. The rock hit him in the head and he was sent flying. Izuku quickly caught him before he fell from the cliff. Izuku then gave Muscular a glare. And it was at this moment Muscular knew he fucked up.

Izuku :"you've made a grave mistake."

He used his special move Ultimate A.I.O. in one hand gave him and uppercut. Which shattered his jaw as well as almost snapped his neck Muscular then was knocked out. Izuku then checked Kota if he had any other injuries. He then healed the wound on his head. He then carried him with to find Aizawa. He then teleported to the remedial classroom. Only to find Hisashi and Kan.

Izuku :"take care of him."

He then gave Kota too the teachers. He then asked.

Izuku :"where is Mr.Aizawa.?"

Kan :"he went out to look for other students"

Izuku :"ok i know why the league is here for"

Hisashi :"and that is?"

Izuku :"they are here for Katsuki. They know they can't take me or Todoroki but they know Katsuki is a hot head he will attack them if they mock him. Then it will be easy to capture him."

Hisashi :"yes that makes absolutely makes sense. Kan wait here I will go with him to find Aizawa and bring more students here"

Kan nodded. They then left the room to find Aizawa.

Hisashi :"so how will we find him"

Izuku :"I have a quirk call Search it is Ragdoll's it allows her to find where a person is and information about quirks and health of that person"

Hisashi :"that's a good quirk"

Izuku :"that's why she is mountain rescue squad of Pussycats"

He then used Search and saw that Aizawa was moving to the open field through the trees. He then teleports himself and Hisashi infront of Aizawa. Which came for a prize of get tackled by him.

Aizawa :"why are you here?"

Izuku then explained the situation to him. Aizawa then said that spread the information and say that they are allowed to use their quirks for combat. He then did what was ordered and the trio went separate ways to find katsuki and other students.

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