Chapter 51

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??? :"it is as you heard. We've taken over the security system. Don't think you're going to put up a fight. Cause if you do then the people on this island will die. That's right the people on this island is hostages and you all too." *Puts his hand on the communicator in his ear* "do it".

The disks appeared from the ground and it tied everyone up in a blue rope? If you want to say that.

Random person :"the restraining devices are used for security."

Everybody in the room started to panic.

All might :"this isn't good"

Then a gunshot was heard.

??? :"Don't move. If you move I'll kill everyone in this room"

All might :"shit"

He then kick All might to the ground.

Wolfram :"Good boy. Oh how rude of me I just barged in and never told my name to y'all. My name is Wolfram. Now you're all going to learn from All might and do what I say quietly, right?"

All might then looks at David for something but David shooks his head as if he is saying that they have no choice but to listen to Wolfram right now. Just bear it till I found a way.

With Mirio and group

Shoto :"my phone has no signal. I think they blocked it"

Kyoka was pressing the elevator button to see if it's still working but.

Kyoka :"elevator isn't responding either"

Melissa :"I can't believe the security system would switch to high alert just because they found some explosive"

Mirio :"I say let's go to where party is being held to see what's going on over there"

Tenya :"why?"

Mirio :"because All might is at the party"

Ochaco :"All might is there?"

Kaminari :"then there is no reason to worry about"

Mirio :"Melissa is there any other way to the party hall"

Melissa :"if we use the emergency stairs I think we can get close to the party"

Mirio :"then lead the way"

In the party hall.

Wolfram was walking around everyone saying.

Wolfram :"don't worry if you stay quiet, you will not be hurt. We will release you once the time comes"

Random Hero :"what are you all after?"

Wolfram then kicked him in the face.

Wolfram :"didn't I tell you to keep quiet"

Then his communicator ringed he answered it.

Wolfram :"oh right got it"

He then searched for a few seconds when his eyes fell on Sam  the assistant of David Shield. He then walked towards him and asked

Wolfram :"you are a researcher here right?"

Sam :"y-yes"

Wolfram then ordered.

Wolfram :"take him"

Right before they were going to cuff him David interrupted.

David :"wait that's my assistant. What do you plan to do with him?"

Wolfram :"oh if it isn't David Shield take him to"

David :"what if I refuse?"

Wolfram :"then there will be screams heard all over the island."

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