Chapter 6

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They entered the U.A high gate as they were going in izuku triped on his feet he was about to fell flat on his face. Then he used his telekinesis to float himself and get him standing again. Then he felt someone presence behind him he turned around and saw a mochi

Izuku :" a girl damn it authour it was a girl"

Author :" sorry sorry when he turned he saw a girl. And izuku"

Izuku :"yes?"

Author :"be careful this the first time you broke the fourth wall" *grinning evilly* " Ok now with the story when he saw he girl he asked"

Izuku :"is something the matter?"

??? :"No no i was trying to help you i saw you triping on your foot and i was about to use my quirk but you started to float"

Izuku :"oh ok let's go inside we will be late for the exam"

Ochaco :"yes let's. By the way I am Ochaco Uraraka"

Izuku :" I am Izuku Midoriya"

When they entered he saw that Katsuki was already taken a seat. So sat beside him

Izuku :"when did you get in?"

Katsuki :"i got in when you talking to that round face girl"

Izuku :"oh. Let's be quiet till the rules are explaied"


After that Present mic entered and started to explain the rules.
There are 4 robots 1st is a 1 pointer, 2nd is a 2 pointer and 3rd is 3 pointer when he was going to say what was the next point but he took a breather from all that SHOUTING. Then someone put his hand up in the air and it grab attention of mic

Present mic (P.M.) :"yes examinee #6969?"

??? :"you said there was 4 robots and you've only said 3. If this is a mistake then this a shame for the most prestigious school in the whole Japan and you"points at izuku"

By the time he was asking present mic the question izuku started muttering a plan. When the boy who asked the question turn to izuku and izuku then ask.

Izuku :"me?"

??? :"Yes you, if you're here to mutter and disturb others the leave"

Izuku :"sorry but I was planning something for the practical exam and I think you are the one who is disturbing others cause it was clear that Present mic was about to say something abimout the fourth robot."

P.M. :"yes examinee #5769 is correct"

??? :"I'm so sorry about my rude behaviour" *bows perfect 90°*

P.M. :"ok the next 4 robot will be a 0 pointer so you can avoid it if you want"

After that they wen to give their exam. When they all were in front of thefake city Izuku saw Ochaco was nervous. Then he decided to help her from her nervousness. When he was about to walk towards her he was stopped

??? :"What are you trying to do? Don't you see she is nervous?"

Izuku :"hey look now you're being really annoying. I know her ok I was just going to comfort her."

Tenya :"oh my apologies I didn't know. Let us start from beginning I am Tenya Iida"

Izuku :"ok I can do that. I am Izuku Midoriya. Nice to mee-"

The door started to open and Present mic yelled


When they heard only Tenya and Izuku ran inside quickly.


when they were inside Izuku started to destroy a lot of robots by ripping off their arms and or crumbling them. When he reached 104 points.he heard a lound rumbling.

Few minutes ago in the observation room

??? :"This year's group has very interesting"

??? :'indeed nezu"

Nezu :"oh did someone caught your eye Shouta

Aizawa :"yes the boy over there" *points towards Izuku*

(A/n : Teacher except Aizawa , All Might ,Hisashi and Principal Nezu don't know about izuku so......yeah that's that)

Nezu :"ah let me see his file oh young izuku son of Hisahi over here"

Hisashi :"yes Nezu I told him that I will recommend him but he said he will not feel that he has earned his place in U.A. if I recommended him"

Nezu :"ah you should be proud he has the highest points in the exam" *turns to All might *"All might?"

All might :"yes sir?"

Nezu :"come at my office after the exam is over"

All might :"yes sir"

Nezu :"now let's get the zero pointer on"

And he pushed the red button

Present time with izuku

He heard the rumble and saw a big robots standing and started walking.

Izuku :"oh so this is the zero pointer let's get outta here"

When he was about to walk away he heard a scream.


Izuku :"oh no she is going to get crushed"

He float towards her and get her out of the rubble and picked her up. He went to Iida and gave her to him

Izuku :"take care of her I am going to do something crazy"

Tenya :"what are you going to do?"

Izuku :"just watch"

He was flying infront of the zero pointer and used every single telekinetic quirk in his body to rip the head of the robot. When he came down and others started to say things like

??? :"You saw him his quirk so powerful and cool"

??? :"yeah so manly"

??? :"his quirk may be powerful but he is to as sparkly as me"


After the exam in principal's office Nezu and Hisashi are sitting waiting for All might to come.

Nezu :"are you sure about this?"

Hisashi :"yes if we have to be at peace at the school then this is a must"

Nezu :"Very well then"

After that the door knocked

Nezu :"Come in"

All might :"you called me"

Nezu :"yes please sit"

All might :" hi Hisashi"

Hisashi :"Hey Toshinori "

All might :"Nezu does he know?"

Nezu :"yes Toshinori"

All might deflated

Toshinori :"so why did you called me"

Hisashi:"um I have to tell you something so there can be peace at this school"

Toshinori :"what is it?"

Hisashi then turned hair colour back to his hair to white and shifted his face structure a little

Hisashi/All for one(Afo) :"hey Toshi it's been a while"
A/n : Thank you for 212 reads i am very thankful that you all are enjoying this. And i am sorry if you don't like this book. It's my first time so be gent- oh what the fuck i am saying i wanted to say that it's my first time writing a book so sorry if something bothers you

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