Chapter 16

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Izuku was sitting in his seat in a lecture his head down on his desk only one thing was on his mind.

Izuku :'is Nejire ok? Did I gone overboard with my attacks? I hope she is doing ok?'


But he wasn't paying attention.

Katsuki :"hey teach can I try?"

Ectoplasm :*sigh* "go ahead"

Katsuki then make an explosion near his ear making his hearing numb for a second.

Izuku :"AHHHH what was that for boom boom boy?"

Katsuki :"teach is calling you name from a long time"

Izuku :"Sorry Ectoplasm sir"

Ectoplasm :"It's alright. Now -"

He was cut off by the bell. It was lunchtime and Izuku decided to go check on Nejire. Izuku hurried to Recovery girl's office and saw that Nejire was alone in the room. She was sitting on her bed and was blushing. Izuku went and stand infront of her.

Izuku :"Nejire I am so sorry if I went overboard with my attacks but why are you all red do have fever?"

He said while putting a hand on her head and leaning in close.

Nejire :"I-I a-am fine but re-recovery girl told me that y-you k-k-k-k-issed m-me on my f-f-forehead before y-you left"

Izuku :"y-yeah about that I don't know why I did that. I was so worried that I over did my attacks"

He said while looking at the ground.

Nejire :"it's ok I am fine." 'he so caring"

They both look at each other in the eyes and was leaning in closer. Closing the gap between them their lips centimetres away. But was interrupted by Mirio opening the door.

Mirio :"hey izuku what are you doing here?"

Izuku :"I was just checking on you all how were you doing but I see you and Tamaki are doing good."

Mirio :"oh ok. Hey what you about us hanging out after school we can go to the amusement park we and rest of your friends?"

Izuku :"sure I ask the rest of them and see if they want to come?"

Mirio :"cool we will wait at the entrance"

Izuku :"ok"

He then left the room and Mirio teased Nejire.

Mirio :"you like him don't you?"

Nejire :"w-w-w-what?"

Mirio :"hey don't deny it I saw you two were about to kiss."

Nejire :"ok fine I like him"

Mirio :"so when are going to tell him"

Nejire :"today I think at the amusement park"

Time skip after school.

Izuku was walking with Katsuki, Ochaco and Tenya which suprised Izuku. He didn't lectured Izuku about how a hero should be training and making his moves and keep body in perfect form for a possible fight.Izuku met up with the big three and started walking.

Katsuki :"where is this park any way?"

Mirio :"you'll see"

When they reached they all were amazed by the beauty of the park. They started with the rollercoaster and then tricked Katsuki and Ochaco in a Ferris wheel. When they both come down both of them kissing and earning the woohoos from Izuku and Mirio. Katsuki and Ochaco blushing madly and after that went almost all the rides in the amusement park. Then they saw a singing competition where if you get the most cheers from the audience you can win a sapphire ring. Nejire saw that and was in awe. Katsuki took Izuku to a corner and said.

Katsuki :"Hey nerd you gotta win that competition"

Izuku :"why?"

Katsuki :'why are you a dense mf' "cause Nejire likes the prize"

Izuku :"and?"

Katsuki :"And I know you like her"

Izuku was about to speak but was cut off by Katsuki.

Katsuki :"don't deny it I know you have a good voice and I think she likes you too. So this is your opportunity"

Izuku :"ok"

Then they saw they're group was leaving and Katsuki signalled Izuku to go at the competition.

Katsuki :"hey where are you guys going?"

Mirio :"uh home"

Katsuki :"wait there is a surprise"

Nejire :"what the suprise? Where is it? Hey where is Izuku?


Everyone except Katsuki was wide eyes hearing their friend's name.

Ochaco :"did I hear that correct?"

Katsuki :"yup that's the secret"

Izuku was on the stage and was nervous. Then he calmed down when he saw his group and the girl he loves.

Izuku :"so this song is for a who I like it only been few weeks we've been friends but I fell in love with her"

At this point Nejire was a bit jealous think you was the girl who took her crush's heart and then she heard.

Izuku :"this song is for you Nejire. I like you"

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