Chapter 25

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It was sunday and sports festivals of remaining 2nd and 3rd years were over. Nejire came in 2nd in her festival. Izuku and Nejire were standing infront of Izuku's house. Nejire was a nervous wreck.

Nejire :"what if they didn't accept me?"

Izuku :"they will"

Nejire :"what if.....what if they didn't like our relationship? What if-"

She was cut off by Izuku kissing her.

Nejire :"Thank you Izu I needed that"

Izuku :"ok then let's go in"

Izuku knocked the door and was met by a tall beautiful woman with green hair also known as Izuku's mother Inko. When she saw who it was she leaped towards Izuku and tackled him in a hug.

Inko :"welcome home baby"

Izuku :"thank you mom"

Inko :"and who's this, your girlfriend"

Izuku :"this is- wait how did you know she's my girlfriend"

Inko :"your dad"

Izuku :"of course. Well this is Nejire Hado, Nejire this my mom Inko Midoriya"

Nejire :"Nice to meet you Mrs.Midoriya"

Inko :"oh honey call me Inko. Let's go in your father is waiting"

They entered and saw Hisashi reading a newspaper. When he saw them he kept the newspaper aside and have a serious look. Izuku knew what was going on. Hisashi and Inko sat on the couch and Izuku and Nejire sat opposite to them on the chairs

Izuku :*whispers* "my dad is super strict ok?"

Nejire :*whispers back* "why didn't you tell me before"

Hisashi :*serious tone* "so you are the one dating my son"

Nejire :"y-yes sir"

Hisashi :"is he taking good care of you"

Nejire :"y-yes sir"

Inko :"oh honey end the serious and strict father act. She was nervous and you are making her more nervous"

Nejire :"w-wha-"

Hisashi was laughing looking at her reaction and how she was acting.

Hisashi :"sorry sorry, so you finally brought her to introduce us"

Izuku :"well yeah. How long did you know?"

Hisashi :"I knew you were seeing someone cause of what you said to Iida when Katsuki and Uraraka were kissing that day. But I didn't know that it was her"

Izuku :"you were watching?"

Hisashi :"well I heard Katsuki screaming at somebody so I tried to investigate who it was then I saw him kissing and Iida scolding them then you said something like they are in love and like that. That time I knew you were in a relationship cause I know the feeling" *looks at inko*

Izuku :"yeah" *looks at Nejire*

Izuku :"you three talk I'll go make dinner"

When he went to the kitchen they started to talk Inko showed her pictures of little izuku and embarassing stories too. The one with the I am here imitation of All might and his super hero names. The video which izuku watched over and over again.


They went and had their dinner. When dinner was over they were watching a movie. Hisashi and Inko cuddling on the couch and Nejire was sitting on Izuku's lap. When the movie was over Inko said

Inko :"izu honey would you please sing for us"

Hisashi :"yeah it's been a while I haven't heard him sing. Nejire you know he is the-"

Izuku :"dad she knows"

Hisashi :"oh"

Izuku went to his room and took his guitar and came.

Nejire :"that was beautiful izu"

Hisashi :"yeah"

Inko :"my baby is the best"

Inko looked at the time and said

Inko :"Nejire it's pretty late i say you stay here for the night"

Nejire :"no no i don't want to be a burden"

Hisashi :"nonsense you are family so stay"

She looked at Izuku and he gave a reassuring smile.

Nejire :"ok I call my parents"

She went to call and the both adults came near izuku and said.

Inko :"she's a keeper"

Hisashi :"and use protection at night"

Izuku :*blushing madly* "DAD!"

Hisashi :"what I don't want grandbabies now"

Inko :"yeah but in future"

Hisashi :"yeah"

Nejire came in the room again.

Nejire :"I informed them"

Hisashi :"great now go and get some sleep you two"

And they all went to their room. Nejire came in Izuku's room and saw some hero poster and some music artists posters. Some all might figurines and Izuku spoke.

Izuku :"here take this"

He throws on of his t-shirts and sweatpants to her

Izuku :"you don't have anything else to wear. You go change in the bathroom I'll change here"

Nejire went to the bathroom and changed but only wore his t-shirt. She came back inside the room. Izuku wasn't looking at her and spoke up.

Izuku :"you take"*turns around*"the- woah where is the sweatpant"

Nejire :"t-shirt was enough to cover me so I didn't wore it"

Izuku :"ok. So as I was saying you take the bed I sleep on the floor"

Nejire caught his arm and said.

Nejire :"no you sleep with me on the bed"

Izuku :"is it ok with you?"

Nejire :"yeah you are my boyfriend right?"

Izuku :"ok let's sleep then"

They lay onthe bed cuddling.

Nejire :"I love you"

Izuku :"I love you too"

He then kissed on her forehead and went to sleep

(A/n:sorry if you didn't like it. And thank you for your support)

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