Chapter 50

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In a Lab Toshinori was sleeping in a capsule and David was running some test on him. And what he saw was nerve racking for him. He saw that the quirk numbers of Toshinori was decreasing. Then Toshinori came out of the capsule.

David :"what's going on Toshi? Your Quirk numbers are decreasing dramatically. Even if your wound is healed now why is your quirk number decreasing? What in the world is happening to your body?"

Toshinori :"when you're hero for long your body starts to fall apart" 'i can't tell him about One for all'

David :"at this rate the symbol of peace will be no more. The only reason of crime rate in Japan is 6% is because of you. The only time the rate went high was 3 months ago. The other countries have crossed 20%. There were times when I thought to ask you stay in America "

Toshinori :"there is no need to be pessimistic. There are more capable pro-heroes out there and people like you to support them. And I can still be All might for 2-3 years am I correct?"

David :"yes but it's possible that another villian like All for One appear again."

Toshinori :"Dave when that happens I will not hesitate to step up and be the symbol of peace"

Time skip evening.

With Mirio and group.

They were going to where Kaminari and Sero were sitting in front of the cafe they were working for and they were exhausted.

Kaminari :"man today was so exhausting"

Sero :"and it's just pre-opening day"

Mirio then shouted


They were walking towards Kaminari and Sero. Tenya then handed them two tickets.

Sero :"what is this?"

Momo :"invitation for the reception party"

Kyoka :"Melissa made prepared it for you guys"

Ochaco :"she thought that you should have fun atleast for one day"

Melissa :"I just had extra so use them as you please"

Kaminari :"Sero"

Sero :"kaminari"

Kaminari/Sero :"our hard work has finally rewarded us" *crying tears of joy*

Tenya :"I heard there will be pro heroes so dress formally and we will meet in lobby 7 at 6:30"

Everyone was nodding and looking at him.

Tenya :"what are you waiting for we only have 30 minutes chop chop!"

Everyone :"Right"

Tenya :"I will call Shoto and Katsuki. I meet you in the lobby bye"

He then ran as fast as he can.

Mirio :"Tenya I in full throttle today"

Then they parted ways to get dressed.

Somewhere on the Island.

There were guards restrained and locked up in a room. There were other people handling the security system these were the villians. One was speaking to someone on a phone.

Villian 1 :"we've restrained them. There were 5 guards. Everything is going according to the plan"

??? :"The security system is still up keep them bound without killing them"

Villian 1 :"yes sir. We will begin now"

With the one on the phone.

After he heard that they were beginning he put his mask on and said.

??? :"It's going smoothly. We will move too"

Then the door opened in fornt of them.

With Mirio.

He was currently in a elevator he reached his destination and ran out thinking he was late.

Mirio :"sorry I was a bit late"

When he reached their he only saw Tenya, Shoto, Tamaki, kaminari and Sero.

Mirio :"huh where are the others?"

Tenya :"they are still coming"

Mirio :"I thought I was late. It's good that you are here too Tamaki"

Tamaki :"I don't want to be here he dragged me here. And let me ask you all a question."

Mirio :"yes go on"


The others sweatdropped.

Then the elevator dinged and they saw Katsuki and Ochaco coming out of it hand in hand.

Ochaco :"sorry we're late"

Katsuki :"yeah she was taking lot of time"

Ochaco :"oh yeah so who was the one that said I don't want to come to the party"

Katsuki :"I only came because I don't want any fucking perverts ogling you"

Mirio :"aw katsuki that's so sweet"

Katsuki :"shut up"

Then the elevator dinged again. This time it was Momo and Kyoka. Kyoka was being shy and hid behind Momo.

Momo :"I apologise that we are late but Kyoka"

Kyoka :"I am....I am not use to this type of clothes "

Then the elevator dinged again and Melissa came out running.

Melissa :"you're still here. The party'x starting"

In the reception party hall.

Announcer :"now All might will say few words please"

Everyone in the room started applauding. And All might was standing in the middle smiling.

Announcer :"please come to the stage"

Then David came to All might.

All might :"Dave I didn't know about this"

David :"what did you thought will happen when people know that All might is here"

All might :"jeez"

All might then went up on the stage and started his speech.

All might :"Thank you for inviting me. I am All might. I don't like for-"

He was cut off by alarm blaring behind him.

System :"this is announcement by Security system of Iisland. There was an explosive device set up in I-Expo area."

Somewhere on the island.

Random person :"bomb?"

Random person 2 :"seriously"

System :"Iisland will be on high alert for now. Residents and tourists should return to their home and lodgings. Those who have come a long way should go to their nearest evacuation center. Anyone who is out after 10 minutes will be arrested without warning. Please refrain from going outside. In addition most of the main building will be sealed by security system. I repeat.-"

When the announcement was made people with guns came barging in the room where they were having the party. Everybody starting to panic. The main boss started speaking.

??? :"it is as you heard. We've taken over the security system"

(A/n: thank you very much for 2k votes really I am very thankful for that. And I hope you are enjoying the book)

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