Chapter 5

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Toshinori :"come here at the beach at 6:00 tomorrow here we will train your body 10 months straight"

Izuku :"ok"

Time skip next day 6: 00 am

Izuku came little earlier than Toshinori and he started lifting up the trash. After a few minutes Toshinori came in his skeleton form.

Toshinori :"ah I see you already started"

Izuku :"oh hey All Might"

Toshinori :"please call me Toshinori or Toshi for short for keeping my identity secret"

Izuku :"well ok then Toshi"

Then Toshinori started guiding izuku to use every single muscle on his body lift the trash on the beach to clean it up.

Time skip 10 months later

It was a day before the entrance exam and izuku was almost done cleaning up the beach. In these 10 months he couldn't help but feel that someone watching him. He caught gave a few glances at the but no avail and today was the day he will confront them. He took another glance at spot where he noticed it now the periwinkle hair and the royal blue eyes he remembered he save the girl from the sludge villain.

He quickly teleported behind her.

Izuku :"looking for me!"

The girl jumped in fear

??? :''o-oh you saw me"

Izuku :"I had a feeling that someone was watching me and I was correct. So why the stalking?"

??? :"It's not stalking. I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life from the sludge villain"

Izuku :"oh and how did you know that it was me, miss....?"

Nejire :"Nejire, Nejire Hado"

Izuku :"Miss Hado"

Nejire :"well after you slipped away I was conscious again and ask what happened they said a green haird boy saved me they said he was tall and buffed. I don't know why did they say that it was quite a description"

Izuku :"oh so how did you find me?"

Nejire :"After that incident I couldn't get you out of my mind. I just wanted to thank you. So I was roaming around the city to find you and I came across this beach you were clearing. That day I wanted to tell you my thank you but you were so into cleaning the beach that I didn't wanted to distract you. But now that you've seen me I wanted to say thank you for saving my life,.....?

Izuku :"My name is Izuku Midoriya"

Nejire :"thank you for saving my life , Midoriya. Ok so that out of the way i have  a lot of question for you. Like what is your quirk? What are it's drawbacks? Is your quirk strong? Are going for hero high school? Are-"

She was cut off by izuku laughing

Izuku :"why don't we talk about this over lunch I know a nice place but first let me message my mom or she will be a worried wreck"

Nejire :"ok" 'is it a date?'

Izuku :'is it a date?'

Afte his texting his mother he went with Nejire to a diner nearby. As they sat down Nejire bombarded him with questions and he answered all of them. They get closer after talking to each other.

And both had one thought in their mind

Izuku/Nejire :' she's/he's cute'

Nejire asked one last question

Nejire :"so where are going for high school?"

Izuku :"U.A"

Nejire :"so you are my underclassman"

Izuku :"huh you are at U.A. too?"

Nejire :"Yes I am in class 3-A this year"

Izuku :"so i guess we will see each other more often if i pass the entrance exam"

Nejire :"don't worry you'll pass the exam with that strong quirk of yours"

As they were talking the saw that it was almost 7: pm. So they exchange their phone numbers and said their goodbyes and went home.

Time skip to entrance exam

Today was U.A entrance exam and he decided to use his telekinetic quirk for not getting noticed for having multiple quirks.

While on the way their he met katsuki. Their bond from friends have deepened throughout the years and they acknowledge each other as brothers.

Katsuki :"Hey nerd"

Izuku :"Hey boom boom boy"

Katsuki :"are you nervous?"

Izuku :"a little"

Katsuki :"why the fuck do you have to be nervous you would've gotten in anyway"

Izuku :"yeah but I still am"

Katsuki :"hey chill out ok I know you're going to ace it"

Izuku :"thanks Katsuki"

Katsuki's eye widen, Izuku noticed it and ask

Izuku :"what?"

Katsuki :"you said my fucking name it been years that you haven't said my first name. Usually it would be boom boom boy or firecracker like that shit"

Izuku :"yeah I guess I did"

And like that they reached the entrance door of U.A. high

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