Chapter 60

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With Kaneki

He was lying on the floor with his hand injured. Which didn't take much time to heal.

Kaneki :" you want me to tell you your secret?"

Ayato :"Huh? What the hell are you talking about?"

Kaneki :"What it is you're trying to do in Aogiri."

Ayato :"There's no way YOU COULD KNOW THAT"

He then started firing his kagune. Kaneki then jumped and dodged every single of them. He then got infront of Ayato and kneed him. Which caused his kagune to turn off or you can say disappear.

Kaneki :"Shut up and listen. I'm talking."

Ayato :"Why, you..."

Ayato  used his kagune to create distance between him and Kaneki.

Kaneki :"it is for protection, right? What you hold most dear. You are strong. You could have killed me earlier, if you have to. Ayato, what is it that you want to accomplish so badly, that youcd even join Aogiri?"

Ayato :"I'll kill you!"

Then a kagune came out of nowhere and attacked Kaneki and took Ayato with it. Ayato knew who's kagune it was.

Ayato :"Noro! Hey you! Let me go! Noro! Hey!"

Noro didn't replied and escaped from there with Ayato. Then every thing started rumbling.

With Yomo

The four too felt this rumbling.

Shuu :"what is this rumbling?"

Yomo :"I think this building is going to collapse"

Izuku :"I'll go grab Yoshimura"

The three nodded. Izuku then teleported to where Yoshimura was fighting. When he came everyone stopped what they were doing.

Amon :"Now WHO the hell are you?"

Izuku :"we are going Owl"

Owl :"ok Frankenstein"

Izuku :"but first"

He snapped his fingers and portal started forming underneath the four and the fell in that.

Yoshimura :"where did you warped them"

Izuku :"near their bus"

Yoshimura :"good"

Izuku :"now let us go"

He teleported near Hinami and Irimi.

Izuku :"look after him I'll go get others"

Irimi :"ok"

He then teleported to where Nishki, Kaneki and Touka were.

Kaneki :"who are you?"

Izuku then takes of his mask.

Izuku :"hey kaneki"

Kaneki :"izuku why are you here?"

Izuku :"to get you out of here dumbass. But before that"

He made two clone of himself and ordered them to look for survivors and the remaining Anteiku members.

Izuku :"let's go grab on to me"

They then teleported to where the others were. Then the remaining members started coming. After that the building started collapsing. Kaneki started leaving after he placed Touka on the ground. Nishki was going to say something but Izuku stopped him and shook his head.

Nishki :"where is he going?"

Izuku :"to get stronger"

Nishki :"but where?"

Izuku :"Aogiri"

Everyone except Yoshimura ,Yomo and Touka:"WHAT?!"

Izuku :"he is going to Aogiri to get stronger, he wants to protect what is dear to him which is us"

Everyone then started parting ways.

Izuku :"I was going to resign today but I guess I'll have no choice but to stay"

Yomo :"why were you going to resign by the way?"

Izuku :"my girlfriend is 3 months pregnant"

Nishki :"congrats bro"

Yomo :"congratulations"

Yoshimura :"you should go she needs you the most now and Congratulations"

Izuku :"I'll be dropping my grandma there and coming here again"

Yoshimura :"no you should stay there"

Izuku :"but"

Nishki :"no buts"

Yomo :"and if situation gets out of hand again we will give you a call"

Izuku :"fine. Now someone pick up Touka, so that we can go to Anteiku"

Yomo then took Touka and everyone grabbed onto izuku. They then teleported to Anteiku. After dropping them off at Anteiku he teleported back to  his grandma's apartment.


Izuku :"calm down grandma. I was doing some work"

Nana :"you were in 11th ward right?"

Izuku :"y-yeah"

Nana :"why were you there?"

Izuku :"my friend from work got kidnapped by them so I went to rescue him with the others"

Nana :"ok I know you go out to do vigilante work but this was a big mission izuku"

Izuku :"yeah I know but hey I came back right?"

Nana :"yeah"

Izuku :"let me get some rest we will be going tomorrow because it's Saturday and Dad will be there too. I just want to see his face when he sees you"

Nana :"oh it will be really hilarious to watch him. sleep well"

Time skip morning.

The trio was ready to go. Eri in baby sling izuku wearing a green t-shirt and black shorts. Nana was wearing a black turtle-neck and blue jeans.

Izuku :"ok hold on to me now"

Nana then placed her hand on his shoulder. They then teleported in front of Midoriya household. When Izuku went to check if anyone's home he found out that the door was locked.

Izuku :"huh it's locked but why though?"

Nana :"now what will we do?"

He then used Search and one for all to search where his parents were. Because of one for all search got enhanced do now it range is upto 100 miles.

Izuku :"found them"

Nana :"where are they?"

Izuku :"apparently U.A. built dorms. Now why Mom is there with let's find out"

Nana nods. They then teleport themselves infront of U.A.'s teacher dorms.

Izuku :"grandma you it'll be a surprise for them."

Nana :"ok but first take her"

Izuku then takes Eri from Nana and puts noise cancellation headphones.

Nana :"why those?"

Izuku :"just a precaution I don't want my daughter to go deaf if someone like Present Mic started screaming when he saw a dead pro hero alive."

Nana :"y-yeah"

Nana then took a deep breath and went to the door of the dorm building. She gave a knock on the door. The door was opened by.

(A/n: sorry guys for not updating. But I am back and I hope you are enjoying the book)

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