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1 week later.

At U.A.

Mirio was strolling through the hallways as he didn't have any injuries. Well of course he didn't have injuries he can go through anything. When he was walking he saw Izuku and a girl which he can say was 7 year old. He then ran towards Izuku.

Mirio :"hey izuku"

Izuku :"hey Mirio"

Mirio :"I have question"

Izuku :"shoot"

Mirio :"who is this little one" *points the girl*

Izuku :"oh her; she is Byeol"

Mirio :"Byeol?"

Izuku :"yeah she's korean. I brought her here because of her quirk"

Mirio :"what is her quirk?"

Izuku :"she can create quirks and use them an if she wants she can erase those quirks"

Mirio :"oh dear God another you'

Izuku :"haha no she can creat and erase quirks. Me I have all the quirks"

Mirio :"yeah that's true but where are her parents?"

Izuku :"by what she says her parents kicked her out when she was 6 for not having a quirk. She was living on the streets for a year"

Mirio :"that's horrible"

Izuku :"her quirk manifested two days ago so I went to Korea and searched for her. When I found I immediately brought her here at U.A.. And now she is in U.A's care"

Mirio :"that's good to hear"

Izuku :"you can speak with her in Japanese. I already taught her that."

Mirio :"thank you I was going to speak Korean"

Mirio then goes to Byeol.

Mirio :"hey there"

Byeol :"umm hello"

Mirio :"I'm Mirio. Nice to meet you"

Byeol :"My name is Byeol. Nice to meet you"

They started to talk and Byeol opened up to Mirio.

2 months later

A lot of things happened in these 2 months. Nejire graduated from U.A. and now she is working as a sidekick at Ryukyu's agency. Izuku dropped out of U.A. and started his own startup company where he works from home to take care of Eri and Ino. Now Nejire was out doing hero work and Izuku was sitting on the couch in the living room talking on the phone while watching Eri and Ino play.

Izuku :"Touka?"

Touka :"Yeah?"

Izuku :"Explain"

Touka :"Explain what?"

Izuku :"why was I not informed about the prison raid 5 months back and Raid on Anteiku which was last week. I am also a part of Anteiku so why wasn't I informed?"

Touka :"Yoshimura told us not to"

Izuku :"why?"

Touka :"he said you have enough on your plate as it is. With your girlfriend pregnant and the villian attack you told us about so he don't wanted to burden you"

Izuku :"burden my-.. hold on a second"

He then stood up and walked over to Eri and Ino and made noise cancellation headphones and put them on both of them. He then went back to the couch.

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