Chapter 2

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Aizawa :"it's done your training starts tomorrow"

Izuku :"thank you Mr.Aizawa

Aizawa :"come at 3:00 pm here"

Time skip next day at school

Katsuki :"hey izuku! I got my quirk"

Izuku :"really kacchan! let me see"

Katsuki shows him small explosions on his hands

Izuku :"woah! it's so cool"

Katsuki :"I know right! So what's your quirk"

Izuku :" uhh...." *thinks for a while* "come with at my house after school I will tell you there"

Katsuki :"uhh...ok whatever you say" saying in a state of confusion

Time skip after school

Katsuki :"mom can we go to Izuku's house he said he will show me his quirk"

Mitsuki :"sure but why did he say that come to his house"

Katsuki :"I don't know but we will find out there"

Small time skip to Izuku's house

Katsuki knocks the door it is open by izuku

Izuku :"oh kacchan and Aunt Mitsuki come in"

Katsuki and his mother enters the house and sat on the sofa in the living room

Izuku :"I'll get my mom"

Mitsuki :"ok"

Izuku goes and comes with Inko

Inko :"hey Mitsuki and Katsuki"

Mitsuki :"hey Inko"

Katsuki :"hey auntie"

Inko :"so why did you bring me here izuku"

Izuku :"mom can I show my quirk to kacchan"

Katsuki :"huh why did you have to ask you could've just showed me"

Izuku :"because kacchan I can't show you that in public."*turns to Inko*"so mom can I?"

Inko :"sure but you have to keep it a secret Katsuki and Mitsuki"

Katsuki and Mitsuki :"ok"

Katsuki :"but why"

Izuku :"I'll explain you see my father's quirk is that he can steal quirk and either keep it for him self or give it to others"

Katsuki :"woah that's strong quirk"

Mitsuki nodded in agreement

Izuku :"so my quirk is mutated version of his quirk meaning I have every quirk in existence and as new quirks are born the copy of that quirk is transferred to me. It's called All in one"

Katsuki and Mitsuki's jaw hit the ground after hearing it

Mitsuki :"so you're saying you have my quirk and this brat's quirk too"

Izuku nodded and tried to show a small explosion which worked

Katsuki :"that's even cooler than my quirk"

Izuku :"that's why I have to keep it a secret and tell everyone that I have a telekinetic quirk so that villains won't do anything to me"

Katsuki :"I understand I'll keep it a secret"*gesture that he zipped his mouth shut*

Izuku :"thanks kacchan"

Time skip to 2:30pm
Izuku and Inko are on their way to U.A.

They reached U.A. at 2:55pm and went to principal's office where Aizawa and Hisashi were.

Aizawa :"oh good to see you came"

Izuku :"I am so pumped up for training"

(A/n : in this fanfic Izuku and others will be a bit aged up and their first year at U.A. starts when they are 17)

Aizawa :"so here is how we going to do your training first 6 years we will focus on your body and hand to hand combat, reflexes , etc training without using your quirk that means I will be doing this part of the training. Remaining 7 years before your high school first year at U.A. your father will teach you how to use your quirks because you know he has experienced in the field of multiple quirks so that's that."

Izuku :"ok so we will start from today or tomorrow"

Aizwaw :"from tomorrow enjoy and rest for today because hell will be starting from tomorrow" stated with his shit-eating grin

That grin still sends a shiver down the spine

Izuku :"ok" *a little scared*

And from there onwards his training started

(A/n : i am not that good with training montages but i tried so here we go)

First 3 years Aizawa started with his muscles to become strong. It made him a little buffed up but by wearing loose clothing he covers it. He has 6 packs of abs well toned as well as his biceps and other muscles.

Next 3 years Aizawa started with his reflexes and he started to come to aizawa's level in just 10 to 11 months because of non-stop training. Remaining 2years and 1 month he started training in hand to hand combats like martial arts and stuff and he started to teach him how to use his capture tape.

After Aizawa's training ended Hisashi started to train his quirk he showed him if he had to use a specific quirk then he has to imagine the quirk he wants to use. Hisashi trained him that he has to let the quirk which he is using needs flow through his whole body for quick movements.

After 4 years izuku learned, master and speed between changing of the quirk improved. Now he can change his quirks in 1 sec. In the remaining 3 years Hisashi taught him how to combine quirks and use it as a super moves . He's favourite super move is Ultimate A.I.O Smash. In this move he combines all the quirks in both his hands and punches at the same time. While doing this he almost blew up whole Ground Beta. At the end of both the trainings he has 6 ft tall and have 8 pack abs and have well tone muscles.

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