Chapter 39

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After they crossed the beast forest they reached the camp at 10:00am. They were met by Mandalay, Pixie-bob, Aizawa, the big 3 and a kid of 4-5 years old.

Mandalay :"you made it. Good"

Pixie-bob :"I call dibs on this one" *points towards Izuku* "I'll groom him myself"

Pixie-bob then jump and started to look him from everywhere. Nejire saw this and had a tick mark on her head. She then went to Pixie-bob and gave her a 10 volt surge knocking Pixie-bob unconscious.

Nejire :"I told you he is taken"

class-1A :"wait what?"

Mina :"by who?"

Izuku :"way to go Nej"

Toru :"don't tell me Midoriya you are dating Miss.Hado"

Izuku just nodded. Then Mina and Toru started to squeal in excitement. Mina then went up too Nejire and took her to the other girls.

Izuku :"speaking of which who is that kid"

Mandalay :"oh he is Kota my cousin's son, he live with us here"

Izuku then went to Kota.

Izuku :"hello there."

Katsuki :"general Kenobi. Is that you?"

Izuku :"let me greet him properly Pomeranian"

Katsuki :"yeah yeah nerd"

When Izuku was distracted kota was about to punch him in the balls but izuku caught his wrist.

Izuku :"don't even think about it ok." *Close eyes smile*

Kota then smack Izuku's hand and was walking away when he said.

Kota :"last thing I wan is to hangout with some wannabe heroes"

Tenya :"wannabe how old are you kid?"

Aizawa :"ok that's enough take your stuff of the bus and change your training starts the moment you come out of those doors." *Points towards their rooms*

They take of their stuff ofthe bus and went to their rooms to change. When they went out they were met by the rest of the Pussycats members. When they look for Aizawa they saw that he was sleeping in his sleeping bag.

Class :'should've known'

When they were training they saw Izuku was with the big three talking. Kaminari the questioned.

Kaminari :"hey Midoriya why aren't you training with us?"

Izuku :"simple I just came here to assist Aizawa but you all are doing well so I hadn't intervene yet"

Class :"oh"

They then went back to training. When they were training they heard a loud scream from the cave Fumikage was in. Izuku rushed in that cave and saw that  dark shadow has gone berserk. He then quickly use a fire to tame it. He then spoke to Fumikage.

Izuku :"you are doing a mistake here Tokoyami."

Fumikage :"and whatcs that?"

Izuku :"you are using Dark shadow as a tool. Dark shadow is unique quirk it has a mind of its own so whenever you use it you have to have trust between you and dark shadow. It that trust is strong enough it may affect on it going berserk. Think of it as a pet. Pets have trust on their masters they know that their masters will never do anything that will harm them. You have to show affection to dark shadow too. Let me demonstrate it to you."

Izuku then use his dark shadow which is similar to Fumikage's Dark Shadow but his Dark Shadow have green eyes. Fumikage then saw that izuku's Dark Shadow does not go berserk even if it is dark as night in the cave.

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