Chapter 36

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Izuku :"oh yeah! My name is Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you"

Then they both sat down on the couch in front of Nejire's parents.

Neri :"oh wait i go get something to drink, tea maybe?"

Izuku :"I'm ok with water ma'am"

Neri nodded and went to the kitchen to get water for Izuku. Junji just sat in his chair with a straight face not showing any expressions at all. But in his mind he was thinking.

Junji :'where did I hear that name hmmm?............oh yeah he is the multiple quirks user from the sports festival. I'm glad that my daughter is in safe hands but still. I have some questions'

Neri came in the room with water for Izuku.

Neri :"here"

Izuku :"thank you"

He drank a little bit and place the glass of water on the table in front of him. Junji then started to ask them questions.

Junji :"So Mr.Midoriya are dating my daughter for her body or is there something else?"

Izuku :"there's something else sir."

Junji :*narrowing his eyes* "oh and that is"

Izuku :"I'm in love with her and please sir call me Izuku"

Junji :"oh is that so"

Izuku :"yes sir"

Junji :"so what is your quirk?"

Nejire :"dad you saw him in the sports festival don't you?"

Junji :"yes but I still need to confirm your safety sweetie"

Nejire :"ok" *pouting*

Junji :"so what is your quirk Izuku?"

Izuku :"well my quirk is called All in One. You see I have every quirk in existence and whenever the quirks are manifested in a copy of that is transferred to me."

Junji :"then how come you look so normal at the moment every  because every second more than 100 thousand kids manifest their quirks?"

Izuku :"You see I learned to supress the quirks that are being manifested at a tender age. At first I couldn't suppress them but with my training with my teacher Eraserhead who has a Erasure quirk he use to use his quirk on me to supress them himself. But after I understood how to supress them I told him that lets try without using your quirk and it worked. So now I just have concentrate to supress the quirk which are being manifested."

Junji :"ok so who is Eraserhead now? And what about the mutation quirks? What happens to them?"

Izuku :'now I get it where Nejire's curiousity comes from' "well Eraserhead is an underground pro hero and also my class teacher. As for mutation quirks i can activate them on my command and deactivate them too so I can hide them."

Junji :"what intention do you have towards my daughter?"

Now this took attention of Neri and Nejire.

Izuku :"I am serious about this relationship sir and if things goes well then I am thinking of marrying your daughter" *blushing madly*

This made Nejire to blush like a tomato. But both the Neri was having one thought.

Neri :'Grandbabies'

Izuku was taking a sip from his glass when Junji asked a question that made Izuku spit his water.

Junji :"did you two had sex?"

Both of them were blushing like crazy.

Neri :"That's why you were glowing this morning"

Izuku :"yeah. Last night"

Junji :"well by seeing that you are serious about this relationship and can keep my daughter safe I approve. But if you hurt her heart I will find you and then beat the shit out of you"

Neri :"me too"

Izuku :"thank you sir and ma'am for approving our relationship and don't worry that is not going to happen"

Junji :"please call me Junji"

Neri :"and call me Neri"

Izuku :"ok Neri and Junji thank you"

Time skip

Nejire and Izuku were standing in front of Nejire's house.

Nejire :"that went pretty good"

Izuku :" I gonna head home now"

Nejire :"yeah ok"

Izuku started walking but decided to so something before going home. So he ran towards Nejire and gave her a quick peck on her lips and teleported home leaving a flustered Nejire and laughing Neri behind her.

Time skip 2 weeks later

We see class-1A talking to each other but one group which consists of Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina and Sato are sulking in the corner cause they didn't pass. Izuku and others were comforting them. But izuku got stabbed in the eyes by fingers of Kaminari. When they heard the door opened they sat down on their seats quickly.

Aizawa :"ok class sile-"

He saw that his class is already silent and seating in the seats.

Aizawa :"good you're improving. Well there is twist for who will go to train in the woods. And the twist is everybody is going"

Everyone :"what is with this sudden twist

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Everyone :"what is with this sudden twist."

Aizawa :"however those who failed will have to classes along with their training"

Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina and Sato :'oh man'.

Aizawa :"you have 1 week to get whatever you want for the camp. That's it class dismissed"


(A/n : so yeah this my way to explain you all why there is no reaction if a lot of quirks are manifesting per second and how it works on mutation quirks. As for why eri's quirk appear well he was so focused on mumbling that he wasn't concentrating that much and sorry for the late explanation.)

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