Chapter 46

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Izuku :"as I thought they took both the quirk with them"

Hisashi :"So what now"

Izuku :"I have a theory. But I have to try it first"

Hisashi :"try it on me"

Izuku :"what?! No I'm not gonna do that not a chance"

Hisashi :"ok but what is your theory"

Izuku :"you know how whenever a quirk is manifested a copy is transferred to me"

Hisashi nods

Izuku :"what if a certain quirk is taken or I give away. Will another copy of that quirk be transferred again or not."

Hisashi :"you forgot something izu"

Izuku :"what?"

Hisashi :"I have a All for One it's a quirk that takes ,gives and let the user give the ability to use the stolen quirk"

Izuku :"that's right. So take a quirk from me and let's see. If you can take a quirk and it is still in my arsenal that means I am a quirk bank"

Hisashi :*chuckles* "ok quirk bank let's test it out"

Izuku nods. Hisashi then puts a hand on Izuku's forehead and activates All for One. He then takes Air Cannon from him. After he was done izuku asked.

Izuku :"so which quirk did you took?"

Hisashi :"Air Cannon"

Izuku :"ok then let's see if I have it"

Izuku then tries if he still have Air Cannon. And to his surprise his theory was correct.

Izuku :"huh. It worked, IT WORKED"

Hisashi :"hey keep your voice down ok?"

Izuku :"oh yeah sorry about that. But that means if I want then I can give the remaining 20% of the population a quirk"

Hisashi :"now now don't go there focus on the task at hand."

Izuku :"yeah"

He then put a hand on Katsuki's forehead and give him his Explosion quirk. And then he does same with Nejire and give her Wave Motion her own quirk.

Izuku :"now that out of the way. I have one thing to do before I go"

Hisashi :"that is?"

Izuku :"give the recent student and rehab candidate a gift. But first hold her"

Izuku then tries to give to her grandpa. But she hold his hand with a tight grip.

Izuku :"Eri he is you grandpa he will not hurt you and if anything happens I am here for you ok?"

Eri just nods. And goes in hands of her grandpa. Hisashi starts to play with her. Izuku then makes a portal above him and from it falls Toya Todoroki aka Dabi. Izuku then catches him bridal style.

Toya :"Hey izuku"

Izuku :"hey Toya"

Izuku then puts him down.

Toya :"heard the news about you"

Izuku :"yeah that"

Toya :"quite a show you put on"

Izuku :"yeah but I want you to do something"

Toya :"what?"

Izuku :"take a chair and sit down"

Toya then takes a chair and sat down.

Toya :"so what you want to do?"

Izuku :"I have a solution for your drawbacks"

Toya :"really?!" *Excited*

Izuku nods

Izuku :"it will hurt a little"

Toya :"I'll endure it"

Izuku :"good. So first I will take your quirk and then give you a regeneration quirk-"

Toya :"what will that do I will still have burns if you will take the regen back"

Izuku :"I wasn't finished. So after taking your quirk and giving the regen I will that those stitches off of you and alter your genome. Then I will give you your quirk back

Toya :"then I will have two quirk first will be my original and second will be the cure for my drawback"

Izuku :"correct"

They then heard a cute giggle coming from Eri who was playing with her grandpa.

Toya :"who's the kid"

Izuku :"my daughter"

Toya :"you sur work fast"

Izuku :"I adopted her dumbass"

Hisashi :*covering Eri's ears* "izuku no cussing infront of her"

Izuku :*sweatdropps* "yeah sorry about that" 'he sure adapt fast'

Toya :"so let's start"

Izuku :"yeah"

Izuku then puts a hand on Toya's forehead and takes his quirk then gives him Ultra Regeneration quirk. He then sees that the under the patches of burns the skin started to heal the only remaining are the holes from the staples. Izuku then use magnetic quirk and pull the staples in his hands. Toya made a grunt in pain ten he saw that the holes started to heal and the burnt skin fell down showing all healed up Toya Todoroki. Izuku then put his hand on Toya's forehead again and use the gene alteration quirk to let Toya keep two quirks. It was a success he then gave Toya back the original quirk.

Izuku :"try it"

Toya :"ok"

Toya then light up his right hand then burns his left hand. He then see that his left hand was healing and it was healing very fast.

Toya :"thanks Izuku"

Izuku :"no problem. I should get going now"

Hisashi :"please izuku don't go"

Izuku :"I have to"

Toya :"hey you can join the rehab program"

Hisashi :"yeah you can do that"

Izuku :"I can but I don't want her" *points towards Eri* "to have a life where her Father is called a villain"

Hisashi :"I was a villain too you know"

Izuku :"yeah I know but that was years ago. But now the news stays around even if I am not doing anything"

Hisashi :"yeah I get that"

Izuku :"sorry dad but I have to go"

Hisashi :"I understand"

Izuku :"tell mom I love her"

Hisashi :"I will"

Izuku :"and Toya be a good hero"

Toya :"hey I am older than you but I will"

Izuku then turns around and walk to Nejire.

Izuku :"I think this goodbye now my love but only to let you know you will be my first love always" *kisses on her forehead*

He then walked towards Katsuki.

Izuku :"ok bro I think it's goodbye for us too. Be safe and don't forget to be nice to everybody"

He then walks towards Hisashi and take Eri from him and put her in her sling again. He then gives him a hug but not tight one cause Eri was between them. He then goes towards Toya and give him a hug too. He then nods to both of them and teleports away.

Toya :"do you think he will be ok"

Hisashi :"trust me he will be alright"


(A/n : thank you for 100k+ reads thank you so much. I can't believe that I have 100k+ reads and this is my first book by the way. Thank you again and I hope you are enjoying the book till now)

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