Chapter 7

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Hisashi/All for one(Afo) :"hey Toshi it's been a while"

Toshinori :"ALL FOR ONE!!!!!!" *Shouts in anger* *changes into his buff form*

Nezu :"All Might cal-"

He cut off by All Might punching Hisashi but he caught him in one hand.

Hisashi/Afo : "clam down Toshinori"


Hisashi/Afo :"I've been redeeming myself for all the crimes I have done by training new heroes for last 18 years"

All might :"IS IT TRUE NEZU?"

Nezu :"yes All might now calm down and sit you don't want to overexert yourself by losing your hero work time"

All might glares at Hisashi after Nezu said that. Hisashi then realised what Nezu was talking about. Hisashi change back to his Midoriya form as I like to say it.

Hisashi :"I am so sorry about that wound"

All might :"Nah don't worry about it the wound got healed"

Nezu :"What how?"

All might :"A boy healed it by his quirk"

Nezu :"really who is this boy?"

All might went to his skeleton form.

Toshinori :"his name is Izuku Midoriya"

Hisashi :"so you met my son"

Toshinori :"wait he your son! that's why he has that kind of quirk but his quirk is different from yours"

Hisashi :"ah yes his quirk is mutated version of my quirk"

Toshinori :"that makes sense. So why did you called me here?"

Nezu :"this was the matter I called you here to let you know that Hisashi here WAS your archnemesis  and making peace between you two so the school can go on."

Toshinori :"I see but I have 2 questions Hisashi."

Hisashi :"go on"

Toshinori :"My first question is .How did you ended up here?"

Hisashi :"ah you see before I joined and gave up villainy I met Izuku's mother Inko. When we first met I was going around in my disguise"


Hisashi was going around in his disguise to see another location for his base. When he was at the corner he bumped into a green haird woman. When she was about to fall down Hisashi wraped his arm around her waist and caught her. He bluntly said

Hisashi :"you are beautiful"

The woman started to blush

??? :"W-what?"

Knowing what he just did he started to apologise profusely

??? :"It's fine" still with a small blush around her face "uhh can you put me down now"

Hisashi :" oh.. yeah" puts her down while blushing "I am Hisashi by the way"

Inko :"and my name is Inko"

They then started talking to each other. Eventually they became friends and when they were going their separate ways they exchanged their phone numbers. After that day they talked on the phone everyday and hang out with each other. After 3 months Hisashi took took her to a secluded area to show his real face and what he does for a living.

Hisashi :"today I am going to show you something only my teammates know about"

Inko :"what is it?"

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