Chapter 30

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After texting Toga they reached the train station. They boarded the train for Shibuya. Time passed and they were now crossing Hosu. Izuku looked at his phone for reply from Tenya but nothing. The train was going it's way suddenly stopped by a hero crashing in to the train in front of Izuku and G.T.

Izuku :"what the. A Nomu"

G.T. :"Handle the crowd kid I will fight the villian"

Izuku :"no don't it's too dangerous"

G.T. :"this is the way of a hero kid"

And with that G.T. kicked the Nomu out of the train and chased him to the city. Izuku couldn't hold it and he jumped out too.

Random Person :"hey kid don't go come back"

Izuku ignored him and saw fire in the city. He then started running towards the city. When he was running he heard his phone ringing. It was Dabi.

Izuku :Dabi I told you not to call just text me

Dabi :Yeah. I did but you didn't replied.

Izuku :my bad. So why did you call me.

Dabi : Shigaraki released 3 Nomu's

Izuku :WHAT!? This is bad

Dabi :yeah I know that's why I called you.

Izuku : thanks now I please I have to go kill the Nomu's. Bye

Dabi :Bye and be safe

Izuku then hangged up the phone and rushed towards the city. He saw that Endeavor has defeated on of them and was chasing a winged Nomu. He was looking for G.T. but no avail. Izuku then heard a hero calling out for Tenya.


Izuku then ran towards him and asked.

Izuku :"what happened to him?"

Manual :"who are you?"

Izuku :"I am Tenya's friend Izuku Midoriya. Now what happened?"

Manual :"we were patrolling and I heard an explosion. Then I told him to follow me but when I got here he was nowhere to be seen"

Izuku :"hmm....That isn't like Tenya" 'oh he didn't' I think I know where he is"

Manual :"where?"

Izuku :"he saw Stain and went to fight him as a revenge for his brother"

Manual :"oh fu-"

Before Manual can finish his sentence they saw an explosion.

Izuku :"you help the people and I go get Tenya"

Manual nodded and they parted ways. Izuku was running from building top to building top to see if they are in an alley. After few minutes of searching he heard a scream. He then ran towards the source and found that Tenya, Shoto and another pro hero Native was lying on the floor. He saw closely that Stain has pierced a katana from Tenya's left shoulder. Izuku then jumped down and used zero gravity on Stain to make him weightless and helpless. He then take the katana out of Tenya's shoulder and asked.

Izuku :"what were you thinking?"

Tenya :"Izuku it's not your fight go away"


Before Tenya could reply Stain asked Izuku

Stain :"Hey kid why did you butt in I was going to kill the fake over there"

Izuku :"because that's the way of a hero as my mentor taught me."

Stain :'is he another true hero as All might. Let me ask hima a question ' "hey kid why did you want to become a hero?is it for money or fame?"

Izuku :"no I don't want any of that i just want to save people with a smile just like All might"

Stain :'he is important to this world of fakers. He will lead the nnext generation of hero to a good path.' "I will let you live kid cause you earned my trust as you are a true hero and will lead the next generation of heroes to a good path. But your friend have to die"

He threw a knife at Tenya but before it hit him. Izuku stopped it in mid air with telekinesis.

Stain :"oh so you're Izuku Midoriya who has multiple quirks"

Izuku :"Not multiple. All the quirks"

Stain's eyes widen when he heard that. Izuku then teleported behind Stain and chopped his neck and went to ground. He then created handcuffs and took all his blades. After that He saw Tenya, Shoto and Native were still lying on the floor. He then went to check up those three and healed Native's wound. Then he healed Shoto's cuts and then he healed Tenya's shoulder.

Izuku :"Tenya I didn't accept you to act like this"

Tenya :"sorry izuku I was blinded by revenge"

Izuku :"hey from next time don't do anything like this"

Shoto thwn spoke up.

Shoto :"Midoriya thanks for saving our lives"

Izuku :"It's alright Todoroki"

Shoto :"I wanted to ask you something."

Izuku :"no Todoroki I have a girlfriend and I am straight"

Shoto :"what the fuck? No i was about ask that can we be friends?"

Izuku :"oh that's ok from me. Please call me Izuku then."

Shoto :"then call me Shoto"

Izuku :"ok Shoto then let's take him" *points Stain* "to police"

They nodded. They came out of the alley and saw G.T., Endeavor, some other heroes and police coming this way.

Izuku :"hey guys we caught the Hero Killer"

G.T. then smacked him in the head.

G.T. :"I told you to stay on the train"

Izuku :"I know I know sorry"

The teachers ofother two were scolding them too.

Police Commissioner (P.C) :"we'll seeing that you used your quirks without a licence you could end up in jail but-"

He was cut off by Shoto.

Shoto :"jail JAIL. If he weren't there to save our butts" *points Izuku* "then we would have been dead"

P.C. :"I didn't finished young man. Since you stopped the Hero killer we will let it slide but if we broadcast that some high schoolers took down The Hero Killer then there will be chaos. So we will broadcast that Hero No.2 Endeavor took down The Hero Killer. It's that or jail"

The trio :"we are ok with the No.2 Hero thing"

P.C. :"that's what I thought"

When they were about to leave the Nomu with wings came out and was going to attack them but Endeavor threw a fire spear that went through its head and was fallen dead. A sighed and went back home or where they were interning.

(A/n :I just realised that how ironic is my story. In this book izuku has all the quirks and in cannon he was quirkless. )

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