Chapter 18

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Izuku warped his way to his class and startled everyone. Tenya started his lecture that he can't use his quirk for personal gain.

Tenya :"Midoriya you can't use your quirk if you don't have a license. You can't use your quirk to get here faster"

Izuku :"I didn't the grape saw me kissing Nejire before she got in her class."

A certain pink girl's ears perked up when she heard the word kissing.

Izuku :"then he jumped at me saying something like" *mimicking Mineta* "MIDORIYA YOU BASTARD that why I have to warp here."

Mina rushed to izuku asking various questions.

Mina :"did you say kissing? Who were you kissing? Are you two dating ?"

Izuku :"uh"

Now everybody's eyes were on Izuku.

Izuku :"uh.....uh...."*he did some thinking and had a crazy idea*" KATSUKI AND OCHACO ARE A COUPLE"

Katsuki :"DAMN YOU DEKU!!!"

Everyone crowded Katsuki and Ochaco except Tenya and Izuku who was smirking in a corner. Then Aizawa entered the class. He signalled Izuku and Tenya to go in their seats and yelled while using his quirk.


Everyone then went to their seats.

Aizawa :"now we are going to take a decision that will change your life"

Everyone sweatdropped at this statement.

Aizawa :"you are going to choose your class representative."


Kirishima :*raising both his hands* "Pick me guys I wanna be a the class rep"

Kaminari :*raising his hand*"I'll take it"

Jiro :*raising her hand*" yeah you're gonna need me" *said in a monotone*

Yuga :*raising his hand*"someone with a sty-"

Mina :*standing in front of Yuga raising both her hands* "I will be the perfect choice"

Mineta :"pick me I will make the girls skirt length shorter"


Tenya :*standing up *SILENCE EVERYONE it's a class representative duty to lead and not everyone can do it I say the logical way to choose a class representative is by election" *said while raising his hand*


Tenya :"Mr.Aizawa is it ok to take an election"

Aizawa :"I don't care I just do it before lunchtime"

Then they made paper and voted. The results are

Izuku Midoriya :9

Momo Yaoyorozu :8

Tenya Iida : 3( voted by Izuku, Katsuki and Ochaco.)

Tenya :"H-h-how"

Izuku :"uhh g-guys why did you voted for me?"

Kirishima :"well you are the strongest in the school and that's manly"

Tenya :"and you are the smartest in the class"

Izuku :"ok then"

Aizawa :"then it's settled Izuku will be the class rep and Yaoyorozu will be the vice class rep."

Izuku and Momo went up to the podium .

Izuku :"well I will fulfill my duty as clas representative atleast I hope I can"* bows*

Momo :"me too I will fulfill my duty as vice class representative as well" *bows*

The bell rang indicating it's lunchtime. Izuku was so excited to see his girlfriend. When they met Nejire gave him a big hug and a quick peck on the lips. They started to eat their lunch as they talked how Izuku is the class rep and other things. After lunch was over tthey went to their classes.

Let's go Time skip 3 weeks later

By this time period Nejire and Izuku met during lunchtime and he walk her home everyday. At weekends they talk went on dates. Inko was happy that her baby boy has a girlfriend and Hisashi was proud.

(A/n: I am not going to write a date chapter cause I don't really know what to write and I am lazy.)

Now at school

Aizawa :"ok suit up we are going to USJ for your rescue training their will bethe big three, us four teachers me, Hisashi ,All might and another faculty member"

Everyone cheered but was silenced by Aizawa using his quirk.
They suit up and went to bus as they were boarding it. Mei Hatsume from support department was searching for someone with a strength quirk to pick her 'babies' and put it in the storage room. She saw only izuku was remaining outside the bus and went to ask him for help.

Mei :"Hey!!! You are that Midoriya guy with multiple quirks right?"

Izuku :"yes yes I am and you are?"

Mei :"I am Mei Hatsume from support course. I was wondering if you have a strength quirk, to pick my 'babies' and put it in the storage room"

Izuku sweatdropped at what she said.

Izuku :"y-you h-h-have b-b-b-babies at this age a-and you want m-my h-help to put t-t-t-them in the s-s-s-s-storage room"

Mei :"oh you got the wrong idea by 'babies' I meant my inventions."

Izuku sigh in relief.

Izuku :"let me first ask my teacher"* rans towards the bus* "hey uncle Aizawa Mei Hatsume from support course need my help so I was thinking I will help her and meet you at USJ"

Aizawa :"sure"

Izuku then went with Mei.

On the way in the bus.

Mineta :"hey you are that chick I saw Midoriya was kissing that day"

He was smacked by Tsuyu's tongue.

Tenya :"Mineta respect you upperclassmen and also she is a part of the big three of U.A."

Mina :"so are you two dating Miss Hado?"

Nejire :"y-yeah we are dating for 3 weeks now"

Kaminari :"Midoriya you sly dog"

They then reached their destination.

Aizawa :"alright everybody get off of the bus and behave"

They get of of the bus and saw The Space Hero : 13. Ochaco was fangirling when she saw her. Aizawa asked where is All might and Hisashi she said

13 :"apparently All might used his quirk to his limits and Hisashi is stuck in a meeting"

Aizawa :"so it's just us then"

13 :"yes"

Aizawa facepalmed. 13 started to explain how they will be training and the different areas in the facility. Then they saw a purple portal appearing"

Kirishima :"woah they have fake villians too"

Aizawa :"they are not fake they are real villains."

Shigaraki :"Hello students I am Shigaraki and we are the league of villains. We are here to kill the Symbol of peace"

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