Chapter 47

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It was Monday the school was going on how it should be but there was gloom atmosphere in class 1A. When Aizawa was teaching the class a student came in running and gave them the news that Katsuki and Nejire have woken up. Ochaco, Tenya, Shoto and Aizawa were the first ones to run out of the room. On their way there Tenya and Shoto went to Class 3A and 3B to pickup Mirio and Tamaki. When they reached there they saw that their class and Itsuka from 1B was already there and surrounded the two of them asking various questions.

Nejire :"where is Izu?"

Mirio :"Are you alright?"

Nejire :"I asked where is Izuku?"

Tamaki :"is there any injuries on you does your body hurts or something?"


After she shouted the door opened and revealed Hisashi.

Hisashi :"what's all this commo-. Oh you're awake"

Nejire :"Hisashi where is Izuku?"

Hisashi :"do you remember anything after you got kidnapped?"

Katsuki :"yeah they were asking me to join thier league and when I declined they tortured us and took our quirk. but how are we here?"

Everyone except Hisashi were shocked.

Kirishima :"Took your quirk how is that possible"

Kaminari :"yeah only Mr.Midoriya here has that quirk"

Aizawa :"I think they should know Hisashi"

Hisashi :"I think you are right"

Tenya :"we should know what Mr.Aizawa, Mr.Midoriya?"

Hisashi :"long story short I was the no.1 villian then I fell in love with Izuku's mother and left the crime world. Then I turn myself in but the U.A. principal gave me a chance to redeem myself by teaching the heroes in training"

Everyone except Aizawa made an Oh sound.

Hisashi :"but I don't know how they have my quirk. Well that's not important we can win against them when they come for us"

Katsuki :"but that doesn't answer my question how did we got here?"

Hisashi :"Izuku he was frustrated that he couldn't find you two so he went on rampage. The whole Japan was in chaos in the previous week. When he brought you here I was just strolling around the campus. I heard a noise in recovery girl's office then I opened the door and saw Izuku with a baby in babysling. He was holding you two on his shoulders"

Shoto :"so he kidnapped a child to rescue them"

Everyone gave him a look like of 'bitch wtf izuku will never do anything like that'

Hisashi :"no he rescued the child from a yakuza when he was searching fo those two"*points towards Katsuki and Nejire*

Katsuki :"but we can't be heroes anymore"

Hisashi :"oh here comes the twist"

Nejire :"what twist?"

Hisashi :"use your quirks you two"

They both looked at him with deadpanned expression.

Hisashi :"just give it a try"

Nejire/Katsuki :"ok"

They both used their quirks and saw they have their quirks.

Nejire :"h-how?"

Hisashi :"izuku gave you"

Katsuki :"but now the nerd doesn't have our quirk now?"

Hisashi :"oh you're so wrong."

Everyone :"WHAT?!"

Hisashi :"yup you heard me Izuku still have the two quirks"

Sero :"how?"

Hisashi :"he speculated that if a quirk is manifested then a copy of it is transferred to him. Then what if he gave away a quirk will it still be in his arsenal. We experimented it I took one quirk from him and he still has it"

Kirishima :"whoa a quirk bank"

Hisashi :"I thought that too"

Katsuki :"so now what?"

Hisashi :"you have your provisional lisence exam in 2 months"

Nejire :"what about Izuku?"

Hisashi :"oh don't worry about him he will be alright"

Katsuki :"what about the baby he have with him?"

Hisashi :"don't worry he will be a responsible father even better then me I think"

Katsuki :"good good. Wait di you say father?"

Hisashi :"yeah he adopted her"

Nejire.exe has stopped working.

Mirio :"Nejire are you ok?"

Nejire.exe is rebooting. Reboot complete.

Nejire :"did I hear that right Izuku is a father now"

Hisashi :"yeah and my granddaughter is so cute do you want to see?"

Everyone nodded. He then took out his phone and showed them. Girls were squealing, boys were in awe cause how cute she was.

Aizawa :"now that's done everyone back to class"

Mirio :"sir can I stay with these two"

Tamaki :"I want to stay too sir"

Ochaco, Tenya, Shoto, Itsuka and Kyoka :"me too sir"

Aizawa :"alright you can stay"

Then the class went to their classroom. The group were talking what happened and everything. While they were talking Nejire was in deep thought. Tamaki noticed it and asked.

Tamaki :"hey what are you thinking?"

Nejire :"I was thinking that when I will be discharged, I will go and start operation : FInd Izuku"

Mirio :"you can't be serious"

Katsuki :"yeah and where will you start looking for him"

Nejire :"don't know but I will start the search as soon as possible"

Then recovery girl entered the room.

R.g. :"now now children go out so I can do some tests on th to see if they are at their 100%"

Everyone nodded and the group except Katsuki and Nejire went out.

Time skip after the tests

Recovery girl was sitting in her cabin and was going through the reports.

R.g. :"oh my. How do I say this to her"

She then went to her patients.

R.g. :"Bakugou you are all fit and fine but you may need to have some rest. Go to your dorm"

Katsuki :"wait they built forms when"

R.g. :"after you both got kidnapped they decided to build dorms for students safety"

Katsuki :"ok but I don't know where is mine"

R.g. :"go the staff room and ask your Homeroom teacher"

Katsuki nodded and exited the room. Recovery girl then turned to Nejire.

R.g. :"uh how should I put this"

Nejire :"how should you put what"

R.g. :"let's be blunt. You're pregnant"


(A/n: hope you enjoyed it.)

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